Computer Science Canada

[Tutorial] ActionScript - Arrays

Author:  Delta [ Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  [Tutorial] ActionScript - Arrays

This is a short tutorial on Flash MX - Actionscript. In this tutorial you will
learn how to use arrays.

An array is an object whose properties are identified by a number
representing their position in the array. This number is referred
to as the index. All arrays are zero-based, which means that the
first element in the array is [0], the second element is [1], and
so on. In the following example, myArray contains the months of the year.


myArray[0] = "January";
myArray[1] = "February";
myArray[2] = "March";
myArray[3] = "April";

The same thing as above can also be declared like below :

var myArray = ["January", "February", "March", "April"];

Multi-Dimensional Arrays can be done as followed :

myMultiDimensionalArray = [["Ron","Zimmer"],["Roger","Clemens"]]

An array is an object whose properties are called elements, which
are each identified by a number called an index. When you create an
array, you surround the elements with the array access operator
(or brackets). An array can contain elements of various types.

myArray = [15, "Ron", true, 14.34]

Thats all for this tutorial

If you are confused or have any questions don't be afraid to ask Wink

Author:  LiquidSilver [ Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ok I guess i get what it is about but how about putting it to use, how would we use it ? and for what stuff? Wink
