Computer Science Canada

[Tutorial] ActionScript - Variables

Author:  Delta [ Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  [Tutorial] ActionScript - Variables

This tutorial is one of many of my tutorials for Flash MX - Actionscript. In
this tutorial you will learn how to declare and use variables with

Declaring variables in actionscript is very similar to most languages.
var number = 15;
var word = "text";
var answer = "true";
var num2 = "0.3423";

String : A string is a sequence of characters such as letters, numbers,
and punctuation marks. You enter strings in an ActionScript
statement by enclosing them in single or double quotation marks.


var firstName = "Ron";
var lastName = "Zimmer";

You can use the addition (+) operator to concatenate, or
join, two strings.


var fullName ;
fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;

Some characters can't be displayed as a literal part of a string
without being preceded by a backslash (\). This is called
"escaping" a character. There are other characters that can't be
displayed in ActionScript except by special escape sequences.
The following are some examples :

\b - Backspace character (ASCII 8)
\f - Form-feed character (ASCII 12)
\n - Line-feed character (ASCII 10)
\r - Carriage return character (ASCII 13)
\t - Tab character (ASCII 9)
\" - Double quotation mark
\' - Single quotation mark
\\ - Backslash

Boolean : A Boolean value is one that is either true or false. ActionScript
also converts the values true and false to 1 and 0 when

var rUHuman = true;
var rUABird = false;

Numbers : A number value can be a negative or positive integer or real
number (decimal numbers). Simple mathematic functions such
as addition can be used as followed.

var number = 2 + 6;

Actionscript automatically refers to BEDMAS (Brackets,
Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction) if
your not careful placing your brackets then your answer could
be flawed. Example :

var number = 6*7+4-2;

Above your answer would be 44.

var number = 6*(7+4-2);

Above your answer would be 54.

Number values can be held in variables and worked thru them
example :

var num1 = 7;
var num2 = 8
var total = num1 + num2;

Operators :

+ Addition

* Multiplication

/ Division

% Modulo (remainder of division)

- Subtraction

++ Increment

-- Decrement

In the following example, age is incremented first and then
tested against the number 30:

if (++age >= 30)

In the following example, age is incremented after the test
is performed:

if (age++ >= 30)

If a variable is given a name but no value the default value given to it is undefined.

That concludes the tutorial on variables if you are confused with anything don't be afraid to ask Wink
