Computer Science Canada

Type of work that gets outsourced

Author:  Tony [ Sat Nov 02, 2013 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Type of work that gets outsourced

We've talked about this a number of times, but this is a topic that often comes up...

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If it's something that's Simple and Standard (call centre scripts, most of manufacturing, etc.), then it will definitely get outsourced to the cheapest bidder.

Complex processes, which are standardized (sets of rules exist) are a growing area of outsource (think accounting / taxes -- it's complex, but it's a set of rules).

Simple custom work is also eligible for outsourcing. There are many companies started around the idea of automating the creating of... something. Want a custom blog? WordPress offers premium features where all this customization is automated. There are multiple companies that will create new mobile apps from a set of templates that they've developed.

Complex and Custom is where it's at.
