Computer Science Canada

How to access many different classes to randomly select one.

Author:  Timothy Willard [ Fri Oct 18, 2013 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  How to access many different classes to randomly select one.

What is it you are trying to achieve?
I am creating a text based game where the loot in each room is randomly generated. Each item has its own class which are all descended from the parent class Item. I create an instance of each class, and then copy that instance into an index of the array existingItems, which is of type ^Item.
I want to add modifiers to the items (for example, have inside the Item class a variable called "Modifier" which I then make one of the modifiers I have in a list when I generate the item).

What is the problem you are having?
I noticed that when I set existingItems (1) := anIntanceOfClassBronzeShield, it did not just copy the data from the instance and create a new location for existingItems (1), it linked existingItems (1) to the same data that the instance is using. If I change the modifier variable in the instance, it gets changed in the array. This essentially makes all "bronze shields" have the same modifier.

Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
If I call new anInstanceOfClassBronzeShield after setting existingItems (1) to be the instance, they are no longer using the same memory. However, I still use the array to randomly select an item, and then if I set the item in the room to be existingItems (1) then call new existingItems (1) I end up having existingItems (1) be a new instance of Item, not BronzeShield.

Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)

var existingItems : array 1 .. 16 of ^Item

new bronzeShield
existingItems (1) := bronzeShield
new bronzeShield

Please specify what version of Turing you are using

Author:  Dreadnought [ Fri Oct 18, 2013 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to access many different classes to randomly select one.

Timothy Willard wrote:

I noticed that when I set existingItems (1) := anIntanceOfClassBronzeShield, it did not just copy the data from the instance and create a new location for existingItems (1), it linked existingItems (1) to the same data that the instance is using. If I change the modifier variable in the instance, it gets changed in the array. This essentially makes all "bronze shields" have the same modifier.

Yes, what you are using are pointers which "point" to the object in memory instead of being an instance of the object, hence if you set one pointer equal to another they point to the same address in memory.
What you want is a function\procedure that copies the actual contents of the object pointed to by the pointer to a new object.

Timothy Willard wrote:

If I call new anInstanceOfClassBronzeShield after setting existingItems (1) to be the instance, they are no longer using the same memory. However, I still use the array to randomly select an item, and then if I set the item in the room to be existingItems (1) then call new existingItems (1) I end up having existingItems (1) be a new instance of Item, not BronzeShield.

I'm not sure why you want to create a new item after choosing it but you can specify the type of object for which to allocate memory in the following way

class Parent
    export message
    var message : string := "I'm a parent"
end Parent

class Child
    inherit Parent
    message := "I'm a child"
end Child

var pointerOne, pointerTwo : ^Parent := nil

new pointerOne
new Child, pointerTwo

put "pointerOne says: \"", pointerOne->message, "\""
put "pointerTwo says: \"", pointerTwo->message, "\""

free pointerOne
free pointerTwo

Hopefully this helps!

Author:  Raknarg [ Fri Oct 18, 2013 10:27 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:How to access many different classes to randomly select one.

THat is why they are called pointers. They do not have their own value, they point to something which has that value. If you set al your classes to be equal to another class, you're making them all connected to the same value. Modify one, and you mosify all of them. Instead you need to set their values the same, rather than their pointer values

Author:  Timothy Willard [ Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to access many different classes to randomly select one.

Dreadnought @ Fri Oct 18, 2013 10:26 pm wrote:

I'm not sure why you want to create a new item after choosing it but you can specify the type of object for which to allocate memory in the following way

The reason why I want to create a new item is in case someone runs into another bronzeshield in an alternate room. I needed some way to keep the bronzeshield in one room (which points to same data existingItems (1) does) from the bronzeshield in another room. As such, I couldn't just create another pointer in the second room, because then the two bronzeshields would always be the same, as opposed to one being "Heroic" while the other is "Lame."

Author:  Raknarg [ Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:07 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:How to access many different classes to randomly select one.

Is BronzeShield your actual class? You havea class specifically for a bronze shield?

Author:  Timothy Willard [ Sat Oct 19, 2013 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to access many different classes to randomly select one.

Yes, BronzeShield is my class, and originally I had just had a bunch of instances of Item that had different stats and names. However, I wanted to add an "ability" procedure to some items (potion that heals you, magical shields that have a chance of deflecting attacks, etc.) True, I could just change BronzeShield to be an instance of Item with the information filled in, it still doesn't solve the problem of the items with abilities.

Author:  Raknarg [ Sat Oct 19, 2013 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:How to access many different classes to randomly select one.

Ok, do NOT go down that path. If you're going to create a separate class for every single item type, there's no point in wasting your time using classes.

Look into inheritance on the Turing Walkthrough. This is what you're looking for.

Author:  Timothy Willard [ Sat Oct 19, 2013 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to access many different classes to randomly select one.

I did look at the walkthrough, and that is essentially what I am doing. All of my items inherit from the parent class "Item". Inside Item are variables for name, description, itemtype, minAttribute (attack for weapons, defense for armour, etc.), and maxAttribute. I also have a deferred procedure called "Ability" that just outputs "This item can't do anything." However, in the different items that inherit Item, I sometimes change Ability to actually do something.

The only problem that I can see is that I may not be correct in making classes for the 'regular' items without abilities, in which case I can just change them to be instances of Item. I still need classes for all items with abilities, and if I happen to have a 'magical sword' that has an ability, but I also want to change its values during runtime (i.e. give it a debuff or something), I don't know how to get multiple 'magical sword' instances.

Author:  Raknarg [ Sat Oct 19, 2013 2:15 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:How to access many different classes to randomly select one.


class Item
   var hasAbility : boolean

   proc attack ()
      if hasability then
      end if
   end attack
end Item

If you want to do something like that, then even this would be a better way to go about it. Much less code repetition, and every class will still be connected. The way you're doing it, you wouldn't be able to pass your classes as parameters or anything

Author:  Timothy Willard [ Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to access many different classes to randomly select one.

The problem is that I want many abilities (poison, heal, etc.). This means that each ability would have to have its own function, and then when I use an item's ability I would have to run all of the procedures to check each boolean. I still think it would be better to make all "standard" items as instances of class Item, but have the items with abilities get their own class.

Again, it runs into the problem of how to randomly generate as many instances as is required without having them just be pointers to the same data.

Author:  Raknarg [ Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:How to access many different classes to randomly select one.

You could use this cool little trick. It might not be the best way to do it, but probably simpler thn what you are doing. You use procedures as variables and parameters, which you can do in many languages. Fairly useful; Run it and see what happens:


class Character
    export var all

    var health, speed : int
    var name : string

    proc create (health_, speed_ : int, name_ : string)
        health := health_
        speed := speed_
        name := name_
    end create
end Character

class Item
    import Character
    export var all

    var effect : proc effectType (x : int, var reciever : ^Character)
    var damage, effectValue : int
    var name : string

    proc create (damage_, effectValue_ : int, effect_ : proc effectType (x : int, var reciever : ^Character), name_ : string)
        damage := damage_
        effectValue := effectValue_
        effect := effect_
        name := name_
    end create

    proc hit (var sender, reciever : ^Character)
        reciever -> health -= damage
        put reciever -> name, " took ", damage, " damage from ", sender -> name, "'s ", name

        if effectValue not= 0 then
            effect (effectValue, reciever)
        end if
        put reciever -> name, " has ", reciever -> health, " health left."
    end hit
end Item

type characterData :
        character : ^Character
        wep : ^Item
    end record

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LIST OF EFFECTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
proc fire (damage : int, var reciever : ^Character)
    reciever -> health -= damage
    put reciever -> name, " also recieved ", damage, " fire damage."
end fire

proc slow (reduction : int, var reciever : ^Character)
    reciever -> speed -= reduction
    put reciever -> name, "'s speed was reduced by ", reduction, "."
end slow

proc normal (x : int, var reciever : ^Character)
    %Does nothing
end normal

var player, enemy : characterData

new player.character
new player.wep

new enemy.character
new enemy.wep

player.character -> create (10, 3, "George")
player.wep -> create (2, 1, fire, "Flaming Sword")

enemy.character -> create (7, 3, "Evil George")
enemy.wep -> create (1, 0, fire, "Rusty Axe")

player.wep -> hit (player.character, enemy.character)
put ""
enemy.wep -> hit (enemy.character, player.character)

Author:  Timothy Willard [ Sat Oct 19, 2013 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to access many different classes to randomly select one.

Yes! This is exactly what I was looking for (I never knew you define a variable as a procedure, this makes things so much simpler). Thank you, this will work nicely.

Author:  Raknarg [ Sat Oct 19, 2013 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:How to access many different classes to randomly select one.

Yeah. I'll give the basics of it. You can do a procedure or a function.

var doSomething : proc x

You the name of the variable matters, but the name of the procedure doesn't. You can assign a procedure to it now. However, the procedure assigned cannot have any parameter.

var doSomething : proc x (y : int, s : string)

Now you can only assign procedures whose parameters are respectively an integer and a string.

var doSomething : fcn x (y : int) : string

Now you can only assign a function to it that takes in an integer and results a string.

SOmething I found useful:

var enemyDraw : array 1 .. 5 of proc x

proc e1
    drawEnemy1 ()   
end e1

proc e2
    drawEnemy2 ()   
end e2

proc e3
    drawEnemy3 ()   
end e3

proc e4
    drawEnemy4 ()   
end e4

proc e5
    drawEnemy5 ()   
end e5

enemyDraw (1) := e1
enemyDraw (2) := e2
enemyDraw (3) := e3
enemyDraw (4) := e4
enemyDraw (5) := e5

Think about this one
