Computer Science Canada

Use code or syntax tags!

Author:  Cancer Sol [ Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Use code or syntax tags!

I've noticed many new CompSci members are posting their codes without code tags or syntax tags. Use them!
It makes it a lot easier to read! If your code is kinda long, some people might not even bother reading it, so please, just use them!
Here's the code tags:

your code here
[code] (put a '/' to the left of code, only for the code tag at the end of your code though)

And here's the syntax tags for C++

your code here

Author:  Insectoid [ Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Use code or syntax tags!

I'm gonna let you in on a little forum secret that will blow your mind: People don't read instructions. Ever. This post will be visible for maybe 2 days, and then nobody will ever see it again. That topic I linked to at the top? That's a sticky in the Turing Help section. That means it's always at the top of the page. Always. You will see that post every single time you ever post in Turing Help. Does it work though? Nope. You even get people asking about it. "How do I make my code look nice on the forum like in your post?". The information they want is right there, and they don't read it.

Consider the flashing screen issue in Turing. Everyone runs into this problem eventually. It's all but guaranteed to happen the first time you try to animate more than one thing at once. There's a sticky about it in the help section. There's a dozen tutorials about it in the tutorial section. There's a thousand identical threads asking the same question, all of which will turn up in a search. Does anyone use it? Nope. They just ask. It's not that they're incapable of finding it. The thought just never occurs to them to look. It's always been a problem on the internet, and it always will be.

Author:  Cancer Sol [ Thu Mar 28, 2013 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Use code or syntax tags!

I guess that's kinda true... I'm like that too Razz

If I can't find it though, I just ask. The search bar never works for me though Sad

Maybe the mods should give warnings to people who doesn't folllow the rules and stuff more; be more strict Wink
