Computer Science Canada

What is Queen's Computing and the Creative Arts (COCA) Program Like?

Author:  Johnathon Chi [ Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  What is Queen's Computing and the Creative Arts (COCA) Program Like?

Hello everyone,

I'm a grade 11 student and I've started researching different universities and what they offer so that I have a better understanding of what I'll be applying for the next school year. I've narrowed down what faculties to look into (mostly computer science and related fields of study, sometimes the odd bioinformatics/health science course) and decided to go one university at a time. I started looking into Queen's and their Computing and the Creative Arts (COCA) major/specialization has caught my eye. From what I understand, COCA is a:

Multi-Disciplinary program with music, art, media, and theater streams
Far less computer and math focused than the other programs they offer as a trade-off
More focused on becoming an electronic artist (for lack of a better term)
And is more focused towards more creative media/computer careers (Animator, game designer, sound designer, computer-human interaction specialist, etc.)

The school of computing page states that the COCA program has 42 required units for math and computer science and an equal amount for whichever creative art stream you specialize in.
This link shows the pre-req chart for the program:
Aside from this and a video of students using a "nest" of birds responding and mimicking an alpha bird; I'm unable to find out any more information without contacting someone from Queen's (which I'll likely do in a week or two once things slow down a bit at school.)
I think it is an interesting program and I'd love to know more about it! Very Happy

If anyone has any information or opinions on COCA, Queen's computer science program in general, or recommendations for other computer science/related programs (that's not U of T or Waterloo, I get it, they're great programs and I've read my plateful for now and would appreciate something different, please) then by all means enlighten me on what I may be missing/not considering, it's greatly appreciated.

As a side note, I know it's not all about the academics and programs (unless they teach you bad habits you have to unlearn) and that student life is probably just as important (maybe more so) but that is a completely different topic for me right now...
