Computer Science Canada

Thinking of Computer Science at Guelph? Read this.

Author:  araisbec [ Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Thinking of Computer Science at Guelph? Read this.

I am in my 4th year of Computer Science at Guelph. Yes, it is a smaller program then University of Waterloo or University of Toronto. However, so far I think that it's computer science degree program is excellent; I have learned so much it's rediculous, and they do provide you with a very solid theoretical base to work off of. For example, at the moment I am proficient at Java, C#, C, Python, SQL, and I can read and understand assembly (for the Motorola 68k, lol). The great thing about the theory is that now I can pick up new skills/languages very fast.

Also, I have often found myself googling specific questions during assignment time, and I've got to say, I've seen a LOT of the EXACT SAME stuff tought at Waterloo, UofT, etc... So while University of Waterloo may have an edge over Guelph, you're still going to learn the same basic skills you need to succeed.

The campus on Guelph is beautiful, and small (which is nice, trust me). The town is also great. If anyone ever has a bad thing to say about Guelph, they're likely from Western and have some superiority complex over our football team or something.

Anyway, here's my mandatory little peice of life advice to end this off: "Worry less about the school, and more about gaining REAL WORLD experience during your degree, as well as developing good communications skills and the ability to sell yourself in an office/business environment". As long as you get the degree, and you succeed at the above, you will succeed.

The only reason I wrote that last bit is because I notice something very often in Computer Science in particular which is kind of sad; There are a lot of really talented computer nerds out there, but a good portion of them also have great difficulty with communications skills and other "life skills". The education will only take you so far.

Sorry for the rant. Guelph is a good school, and I just felt compelled to share my thoughts so far in my own professional journey. I would include more info on their actual degree, but it has actually changed since I began (they offer a new "Software Engineering" degree with less math now... I'd still go with the more theory based Computer Science degree personally). Good luck, and have fun! Wink

Author:  Tony [ Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thinking of Computer Science at Guelph? Read this.

Thx for the writeup, it's valuable for prospective students!

araisbec @ Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:06 pm wrote:
"Worry less about the school, and more about gaining REAL WORLD experience during your degree, as well as developing good communications skills and the ability to sell yourself in an office/business environment".

Any personal experiences in gaining such while at Guelph?

Author:  araisbec [ Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thinking of Computer Science at Guelph? Read this.

Of course! Or I wouldn't have written it Wink

Two summers ago, I got an intern position at Direct Energy in Toronto for Desktop Support. This past summer, I worked for York Region EMS where I was responsible for setting up the computer software and systems on the ambulance fleet and maintaining them. This is also where I will be working this next summer.

I also noticed other computer science students at both jobs, and some of them were definitely more skilled then me, but I stood out more because I sold my accomplishments and always talked to my managers when I had the time. Not trying to preach, I've just noticed that making those connections in the office (once you get in) definitely goes a LONG way; I have some really good references on my resume now.

Also, when looking for jobs during school, don't be afraid to ask adults you know (neighbors, family friends, etc) who are in IT if they know of anything! That's how I got my first IT related job.

Author:  Tony [ Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thinking of Computer Science at Guelph? Read this.

araisbec @ Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:00 am wrote:
Also, when looking for jobs during school, don't be afraid to ask adults you know (neighbors, family friends, etc) who are in IT if they know of anything! That's how I got my first IT related job.

That's a good advice. Certainly cast a wide net, especially early in the job search process. Having been in the industry for a while, I'm under the impression that the bulk of (at least of interesting) jobs are landed via referrals.
