Computer Science Canada

put statements overlapping drawings

Author:  lior.shay [ Sat Dec 15, 2012 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  put statements overlapping drawings

this is my code, and i dont know how to make it so it doesnt overlap, and also how to make the letters go into the right spot in the underlines. game made by me

%% Author : Lior Shaykevich &&
%% File Name : Hangman &&
%% Project Name : Lior's HangMan Game &&
%% Creation Date : December 7 2012 &&
%% Modified Date : December 14 2012 &&
%% Description : This is a hangman game consisting of 4 categories and 20 &&
%% words &%
%% &%
View.Set ("nobuttonbar")
View.Set ("graphics")
View.Set ("graphics:1000,600")
View.Set ("position:center,truemiddle")
var random, strike, right : int := 0
var word : string := ""
var choice : string := ""
var let : string := ""
var x, y, z, button, letter : int := 0
var name : string
var keyPress : array char of boolean
var lettersI : array 1 .. 10 of string := init ("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J")
var lettersII : array 1 .. 10 of string := init ("K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T")
var lettersIII : array 1 .. 6 of string := init ("U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z")
var category : array 1 .. 20 of string := init ("movies", "Bands", "Video Games", "Cars", "movies", "Bands", "Video Games",
"Cars", "movies", "Bands", "Video Games", "Cars", "movies", "Bands", "Video Games", "Cars", "movies", "Bands", "Video Games", "Cars")
var words : array 1 .. 20 of string := init ("Ted", "ACDC", "Call Of Duty", "BMW", "Titanic", "The beatles", "Grand Theft Auto",
"Mercedes - Benz", "Skyfall", "Metallica", "Far Cry", "Audi", "Superbad", "Rolling Stones", "Mario", "Jeep", "Enemy at the gates", "Kiss", "Sonic", "Ferrari")
var counter : int := 0


Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 55)
Draw.FillStar (-500, -700, 1400, 540, 137)

Draw.FillBox (0, 70, maxx, 0, 118)
Draw.DashedLine (0, 1, maxx, 1, drawDash, 47)
Draw.DashedLine (0, 10, maxx, 10, drawDashDot, 47)
Draw.DashedLine (0, 19, maxx, 19, drawDashDot, 47)
Draw.DashedLine (0, 28, maxx, 28, drawDashDot, 47)
Draw.DashedLine (0, 37, maxx, 37, drawDashDot, 47)
Draw.DashedLine (0, 46, maxx, 46, drawDashDot, 47)

Draw.FillOval (70, 450, 50, 20, 0)
Draw.FillOval (320, 500, 50, 20, 0)
Draw.FillOval (560, 450, 50, 20, 0)
Draw.FillOval (700, 350, 50, 20, 0)

var intFont : int

intFont := Font.New ("BlackOakSTD:25:")

Font.Draw ("Welcome To Lior's Hangman game", 30, 300, intFont, 47)

Font.Draw ("Please press enter your name to start", 67, 250, intFont, 47)
get name
%move to next screen%

Input.KeyDown (keyPress)
if keyPress (KEY_ENTER) then

end if
end loop

process victory
choice := "n"
for w : 1 .. 5
Draw.Text ("Good Job, You Won!", maxx div 2 - 100, maxy div 2, Font.New ("serif:24:bold"), Rand.Int (1, 100))
delay (100)
exit when choice not= "n"
end for
end victory

process failure
choice := "n"
for l : 1 .. 5
Draw.Text ("Sorry Sad, you lost", maxx div 2 - 50, maxy div 2 - 50, Font.New ("serif:24:bold"), Rand.Int (155, 200))
Draw.Text ("The word was:", maxx div 2 - 150, maxy div 2, Font.New ("serif:24:bold"), Rand.Int (155, 200))
Draw.Text (words (random), maxx div 2 + 60, maxy div 2, Font.New ("serif:24:bold"), Rand.Int (155, 200))
delay (100)
exit when choice not= "n"
end for
end failure

Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 0)
locatexy (0, 590)

put name
drawfillbox (740, 170, 760, 410, 16)
drawfillbox (760, 390, 860, 410, 16)
drawfillbox (700, 160, 900, 180, 16)
drawfillbox (830, 390, 840, 358, 16)
drawarc (835, 345, 13, 13, 0, 360, 16)

randint (random,1 , 20)
var dash : array 1 .. length (words (random)) of string

for a : 1 .. length (words (random))
dash (a) := "_"
end for


for a : 1 .. 10
%First Row
drawbox (90 + z, 250, 140 + z, 300, black)
drawfillbox (95 + z, 255, 135 + z, 295, grey)
Draw.Text (lettersI (a), 105 + z , 260, Font.New ("Algerian:22"), 56)

%Second Row
drawbox (90 + z, 200, 140 + z, 250, black)
drawfillbox (95 + z, 205, 135 + z, 245, grey)
Draw.Text (lettersII (a), 105 + z, 210, Font.New ("Algerian:22"), 56)

%Third Row
if z >= 100 and z <= 350 then
letter += 1
drawbox (90 + z, 150, 140 + z, 200, black)
drawfillbox (95 + z, 155, 135 + z, 195, grey)
Draw.Text (lettersIII (letter), 105 + z, 160, Font.New ("Algerian:22"), 56)
end if
z += 50
end for

var phrase : string

%Draw Dash
locate (8, 15)
for a : 1 .. length (words (random))
put dash (a) : 3, " " ..
end for



if Mouse.ButtonMoved ("down") then
var buttonnumber, buttonupdown : int
Mouse.ButtonWait ("down", x, y, buttonnumber, buttonupdown)

if x >= 95 and x <= 135 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "a"
put "A"
elsif x >= 145 and x <= 185 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "b"
put "B"
elsif x >= 195 and x <= 235 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "c"
put "C"
elsif x >= 245 and x <= 285 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "d"
put "D"
elsif x >= 295 and x <= 335 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "e"
put "E"
elsif x >= 345 and x <= 385 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "f"
put "F"
elsif x >= 395 and x <= 435 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "g"
put "G"
elsif x >= 445 and x <= 485 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "h"
put "H"
elsif x >= 495 and x <= 535 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "i"
put "I"
elsif x >= 545 and x <= 585 and y >= 255 and y <= 295 then
let := "j"
put "J"
elsif x >= 95 and x <= 135 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "k"
put "K"
elsif x >= 145 and x <= 185 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "l"
put "L"
elsif x >= 195 and x <= 235 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "m"
put "M"
elsif x >= 245 and x <= 285 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "n"
put "N"
elsif x >= 295 and x <= 335 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "o"
put "O"
elsif x >= 345 and x <= 385 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "p"
put "P"
elsif x >= 395 and x <= 435 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "q"
put "Q"
elsif x >= 445 and x <= 485 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "r"
put "R"
elsif x >= 495 and x <= 535 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "s"
put "S"
elsif x >= 545 and x <= 585 and y >= 205 and y <= 245 then
let := "t"
put "T"
elsif x >= 195 and x <= 235 and y >= 155 and y <= 195 then
let := "u"
put "U"
elsif x >= 245 and x <= 285 and y >= 155 and y <= 195 then
let := "v"
put "V"
elsif x >= 295 and x <= 335 and y >= 155 and y <= 195 then
let := "w"
put "W"
elsif x >= 345 and x <= 385 and y >= 155 and y <= 195 then
let := "x"
put "X"
elsif x >= 395 and x <= 435 and y >= 155 and y <= 195 then
let := "y"
put "Y"
elsif x >= 445 and x <= 485 and y >= 155 and y <= 195 then
let := "z"
put "Z"
end if
exit when ord (let) > 95
end if
end loop

end loop

for a : 1 .. length (words (random))
if let = words (random) (a) then
dash (a) := let
end if
end for

locate (8, 15)
for a : 1 .. length (words (random))
put dash (a) : 3, " " ..
end for

for a : 1 .. length (words (random))
right := right + index (dash (a), "_")
end for

for i : 1 .. length (words (random))
if let = words (random) (i) then
dash (i) := let
end if
end for

function CheckPhrase () : string
var randomPhrase : int := Rand.Int (1, 20)

if (randomPhrase = 1) then
phrase := category (1)
end if
result phrase

end CheckPhrase

if index (words (random), let) = 0 then
strike += 1
end if

if strike = 9 then
fork failure
if Mouse.ButtonMoved ("down") then
var buttonnumber, buttonupdown : int
Mouse.ButtonWait ("down", x, y, buttonnumber, buttonupdown)
if x >= maxx div 2 - 95 and x <= maxx div 2 - 5 and y >= maxy - 245 and y <= maxy - 205 then
choice := "y"
elsif x >= maxx div 2 + 95 and x <= maxx div 2 + 5 and y >= maxy - 245 and y <= maxy - 205 then
choice := "n"
end if
end if
end loop
elsif word = words (random) or right = 0 then
fork victory
if Mouse.ButtonMoved ("down") then
var buttonnumber, buttonupdown : int
Mouse.ButtonWait ("down", x, y, buttonnumber, buttonupdown)
if x >= maxx div 2 - 95 and x <= maxx div 2 - 5 and y >= maxy - 235 and y <= maxy - 205 then
choice := "y"
elsif x >= maxx div 2 + 95 and x <= maxx div 2 + 5 and y >= maxy - 235 and y <= maxy - 205 then
choice := "n"
end if
end if
end loop
end if


Author:  Insectoid [ Sat Dec 15, 2012 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:put statements overlapping drawings

'put' will always overlap. Don't ever use it with graphics. Font.Draw or Draw.Text (you've used both) are the only ways you should be drawing text to the screen.
