Computer Science Canada

Please Help With My Game!!! Asap

Author:  klxxguitarxx [ Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Please Help With My Game!!! Asap

Please excuse my bad spelling, never been good at it Razz
Can somebody help me out? i think i am going to have to use triginomatry. but im not to sure how to do it. if you could tell me how to do it and write a example in turing that would be great. i think that cos sin and tan a important, but idk Sad.

im only working on the physics right now, so the graphics are not to great.

the black box is the player.
the mouse is target.
What is it you are trying to achieve?
make a bullet go from the player, to the mouse. but have the line keep going till it reaches the edge

What is the problem you are having?
Cant figure it out

Describe what you have tried to solve this problem

Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)


setscreen ("graphics:600;400")

var player_x1 : int
var player_y1 : int
var player_x2 : int
var player_y2 : int

var chars : array char of boolean

var back_x : int
var ground : int
var map_maxx : int
var map_minx : int
var volocity_x : int
var volocity_y : int
var volocity_y_const : int
var gravity : int

var projectile_increment :int
var projectile_x :int
var projectile_y :int
var bullet_screen :boolean := false
var mouse_x : int
var mouse_y : int
var mouse_click : int
%Declared variables
map_maxx := -1700
map_minx := 0
ground := 0
back_x := -700
player_x1 := 293
player_y1 := ground
player_x2 := player_x1 + 14
player_y2 := player_y1 + 22
volocity_x := 7
volocity_y := 15
volocity_y_const := 15
gravity := 1
procedure update
    %Update variables
    player_x2 := player_x1 + 14
    player_y2 := player_y1 + 22
end update
procedure aim
    Mouse.Where (mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_click)
end aim
procedure player_position
    Input.KeyDown (chars)

    %check keys
    if chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
        back_x -= volocity_x

    elsif chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
        back_x += volocity_x
    elsif chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) and player_y1 = ground then
        player_y1 += volocity_y
    elsif chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) and player_y1 = ground then
        back_x -= volocity_x
        player_y1 += volocity_y
    elsif chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) and player_y1 = ground then
        back_x += volocity_x
        player_y1 += volocity_y
    end if

    %Calculate variables
    if player_y1 > ground then
        volocity_y -= gravity
        player_y1 += volocity_y
    elsif player_y1 = ground or player_y1 < ground then
        player_y1 := ground
        volocity_y := volocity_y_const
        volocity_y := volocity_y_const
    elsif back_x = map_maxx or back_x > map_maxx then
        back_x := map_maxx
    elsif back_x = map_minx or back_x < map_minx then
        back_x := map_minx
    end if
end player_position
procedure projectiles

end projectiles

procedure draw_map
    Draw.FillBox (map_maxx,map_maxx,maxx,maxy,53)
    Draw.FillBox (player_x1, player_y1, player_x2, player_y2, black)
    Draw.FillBox (back_x, 0, back_x + 25, 50, green)
    Draw.Oval (mouse_x, mouse_y, 35, 35, black)
    Draw.Line (mouse_x, mouse_y - 35, mouse_x, mouse_y + 35, black)
    Draw.Line (mouse_x - 35, mouse_y, mouse_x + 35, mouse_y, black)
    Draw.FillOval (mouse_x, mouse_y, 3, 3, red)
    Draw.Line (player_x1,player_y1,mouse_x,player_y1,blue)
    Draw.Line (mouse_x,player_y1,mouse_x,mouse_y,blue)
    Draw.Line (player_x1,player_y1,mouse_x,mouse_y,red)
    if mouse_click = 1 then

    end if
end draw_map

    delay (25)

end loop

Please specify what version of Turing you are using

Author:  TerranceN [ Sat Dec 15, 2012 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Please Help With My Game!!! Asap

The first thing you should understand is how to use an angle and a distance to get a position relative to another. In other words, how to make a line of some length that's at some angle. Then I will show you how to get the angle between two points, which when combined will allow you to make any length of lines that point in the same direction as the mouse.

Take a look at the picture here. What we want to figure out is, given position A and the angle at A, and the distance between A and B, find position B. Figuring this out would allow us to draw lines of a specific length, at a specific angle, which will become really useful later when we find the angle between a point and the mouse. First of all, the distance between A and B is just c. Next, since the line segments a and b are aligned with our axis (the x-axis and y-axis) we can move b along the x axis and a along the y axis then we get to position B. So if we find out a and b then Bx = Ax + b and By = Ay + a, where Bx and By are the coordinates of B and Ax and Ay are the coordinates of A.

To find b, we can rearrange the equation
cos(A) = b / c

to get
b = cos(A) * c

a = sin(A) * c

We can then apply this like so:

%% Run this program and press a and d to change the angle

var aX, aY : int := 100
var bX, bY : int := 0
var len : int := 100

%% since this is using the degree versions of trig
%%   functions (sind instead of sin, for example),
%%   this value is in degrees
var angle : real := 45

var keys : array char of boolean


    if (keys('a')) then
        angle += 1
    elsif (keys('d')) then
        angle -= 1
    end if

    bX := aX + round(cosd(angle) * len)
    bY := aY + round(sind(angle) * len)
    Draw.Line(aX, aY, bX, bY, black)
    %% Approximately 60 fps
end loop

Now we just need to find the angle between the player and the mouse. Once again this can be done with trigonometry. If you go back to the diagram and imagine A as the player and B as the mouse, then we have three different equations to find the angle. Since finding c, the hypotenuse, will require us to find a and b anyway, we might as well use the equation with Tan (which only uses a and b), so you don't need to calculate c. So what are a and b? Simply the difference in the y-axis and x-axis between A and B. Specifically, b = Bx - Ax and a = By - Ay.

A fist attempt at writing a function to find the angle from one point to another might look like this:

fcn angleBetweenPoints(x1:real, y1:real, x2:real, y2:real):real
    var dx : real := x2 - x1
    var dy : real := y2 - y1
    %% this is just the inverse of tand
    %% you can think of it as reversing tan
    %% arctand(tand(x)) = x
    result arctand(dy / dx)
end angleBetweenPoints

After using this to find an angle, one can immediately see a problem: when your mouse is left of aX, the angle is the opposite of what we want. Another problem is that when the points are vertical we get a division by 0 error. We can solve the latter problem by checking if dx is 0 then returning either 90 (straight up) or 270 (straight down), depending on the value of dy. The former problem happens because arctand can only return values from -90 to 90. To fix this, we just need to increase the angle by half a rotation when x2 < x1 which is the same as dx < 0. When using degrees, 360 is a full rotation, so 180 is a half rotation.

Which gives us this working version of the function:

fcn angleBetweenPoints(x1:real, y1:real, x2:real, y2:real):real
    var dx : real := x2 - x1
    var dy : real := y2 - y1

    %% need to manualy result values to avoid a divide by
    %%   zero error
    if (dx = 0) then
        if (dy >= 0) then
            %% straight up
            result 90
            %% straight down
            result 270
        end if
    %% need to reverse the result if angle is to the left,
    %%   since arctand can only return values from -90 .. 90
    elsif (dx < 0) then
        result arctand(dy / dx) + 180
        result arctand(dy / dx)
    end if
end angleBetweenPoints

As for getting the line to draw to the edge of the screen, you can just use a very long length when applying what is explained above.

I hope this helped you understand how you can do it, good luck.
