Computer Science Canada

UofW application

Author:  Panphobia [ Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  UofW application

I have not finished my literacy test, due to sickness and being in the hospital I could not do it twice, I am finishing civics and careers with the ILC booklets at the moment so discluding that credit I will have 29 credits at the very end of the year, and my english grade is not so hot, here are my grades
Functions - 97
Data - 99
Caculus 97
Programming - 99
English - 65
Computer Engineering - 95
What I am trying to say is that, could I apply now with the condition that I finish my civics/careers and literacy and if I do not get 75 in english that I do summer school, or do you guys think I will need to come back for 12+ and fix my english?

Author:  crossley7 [ Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  RE:UofW application

The way it would work is that you can apply normally and if they accept you, they will give you conditions to meet such as maintaining a certain average (likely 80%) and you have to receive your diploma which requires both the literacy test and the careers and civics credit.

Now you will want to boost that english mark significantly if you want to get in as a 65 will make it extremely difficult if not impossible to get in. Summer school/a second attempt may not get looked at by Waterloo (I'm not sure of their standards but some schools ignore second attempts) and you should probably check if they would look at a second attempt before you go do that.
