Computer Science Canada


Author:  RaPsCaLLioN [ Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Hello!


I used to post on this forum years ago. It's interesting to see that it's still alive and well.

I see there's also an Open Turing now available! Do kids still actually learn this stuff in school?


Author:  Tony [ Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Hello!

I've been expecting a decline, but search results for things like "turing download" keep on coming in strong; so it looks like it's still used in schools.

Author:  Raknarg [ Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Hello!

It depends on your teacher, really. My teacher in particular really hates turing, but he loves teaching it because it's very easy to grasp

Author:  mirhagk [ Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Hello!

The reason why Turing is still being taught is probably because of the fact there's no prerequisite for grade 11. I know that's what it's taught in my school, you teach the grade 10's turing, then in grade 11 you teach everyone C# (or really any language that is actually useful). If there was a prerequisite for grade 11, they would just start teaching the useful language in grade 10 instead.
