Computer Science Canada

Drawing a Chessboard using repetition

Author:  Derpmemes [ Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Drawing a Chessboard using repetition

I don't know how to write a program to draw a chessboard using repetition. (8x8)
I know how to do it without using repetition.

The code it tried was:
drawfillbox (0,0,640,400,black)

for i: 1..640 by 160
drawfillbox (0+i,0,80,50,white)
end for

I know this is not the code but at least I tried.
Please Help.

The Chessboard I made without using repetition was easy. Here is the code:

drawfillbox (0,0,640,400,black)
drawfillbox (0,0,80,50,white)
drawfillbox (160,0,240,50,white)
drawfillbox (320,0,400,50,white)
drawfillbox (480,0,560,50,white)
drawfillbox (80,50,160,100,white)
drawfillbox (240,50,320,100,white)
drawfillbox (400,50,480,100,white)
drawfillbox (560,50,640,100,white)
drawfillbox (0,100,80,150,white)
drawfillbox (160,100,240,150,white)
drawfillbox (320,100,400,150,white)
drawfillbox (480,100,560,150,white)
drawfillbox (80,150,160,200,white)
drawfillbox (240,150,320,200,white)
drawfillbox (400,150,480,200,white)
drawfillbox (560,150,640,200,white)
drawfillbox (0,200,80,250,white)
drawfillbox (160,200,240,250,white)
drawfillbox (320,200,400,250,white)
drawfillbox (480,200,560,250,white)
drawfillbox (80,250,160,300,white)
drawfillbox (240,250,320,300,white)
drawfillbox (400,250,480,300,white)
drawfillbox (560,250,640,300,white)
drawfillbox (0,300,80,350,white)
drawfillbox (160,300,240,350,white)
drawfillbox (320,300,400,350,white)
drawfillbox (480,300,560,350,white)
drawfillbox (80,350,160,400,white)
drawfillbox (240,350,320,400,white)
drawfillbox (400,350,480,400,white)
drawfillbox (560,350,640,400,white)

Thank you.

Author:  Zren [ Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Drawing a Chessboard using repetition

To figure out where you went wrong, use this:

drawbox (0+i,0,80,50, i % maxcolor)

It will only draw the borders of the boxes, and each box will be a different colour.

Edit: Also throw a delay in there, delay(1000) to watch how it draws it.

Author:  blaffypoo [ Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Drawing a Chessboard using repetition

View.Set ("graphics:400;400,offscreenonly,nobuttonbar,nocursor")
var Mx, My, Press : int := 0

Mouse.Where (Mx, My, Press)

for i : 0 .. 7
for j : 0 .. 7
if Mx > i * 50 and Mx < i * 50 + 50 and My > j * 50 and My < j * 50 + 50 then
Draw.FillBox (i * 50, j * 50, i * 50 + 50, j * 50 + 50, brightgreen)
Draw.FillBox (i * 50, j * 50, i * 50 + 50, j * 50 + 50, black)
end if
Draw.Box (i * 50, j * 50, i * 50 + 50, j * 50 + 50, white)
end for
end for

delay (10)

end loop

Author:  SNIPERDUDE [ Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Drawing a Chessboard using repetition

Using mod might be simpler:

View.Set("nobuttonbar, offscreenonly, graphics:450;450")

for j: 0..15
    for i: 0..15
        if (j + i) mod 2 = 0 then
            drawfillbox(i * 30, j * 30, i * 30 + 29, j * 30 + 29, 7)
        end if
    end for
end for

More on modulus:

A useful thing you can do with mod is return whether a number is even (result = 0) or odd (result = 1) (number mod 2), which we did in the code above.

Author:  blaffypoo [ Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:37 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Drawing a Chessboard using repetition

I added in a mouse over block to the board to show which square your mouse is on
