Computer Science Canada

Turing Procedure Problems

Author:  timmy otoole [ Wed May 02, 2012 10:25 am ]
Post subject:  Turing Procedure Problems

Hi, I'm having problems with two things in this lottery program I'm making for class. First, I keep getting an error message in my sorting procedure that "the variable has no value." Code(beneath Winningnums in actual program):
for j : 1 .. 5
for i : 1 .. 5
if nums (i) < nums (i + 1) then
temp := nums (i)
nums (i) := nums (i + 1)
nums (i + 1) := temp
end if
end for
end for

Second, the program says procedure lotto can only be declared at the "program,module or monitor level." Also, although it's probably obvious, I'm new to programming.


type box :
x, y, sx, sy, col : int
end record
var font3 : int := Font.New ("arial:20:bold,italic")
var font4 : int := Font.New ("arial:12:bold,italic")
var x : int
var font : int := Font.New ("arial:16:bold,italic")
var font1 : int := Font.New ("arial:12:bold,italic")
var font2 : int := Font.New ("arial:16:bold,italic")
var money : int := 30
var moneys : string
var curX, curY : int := 75
var boxes : array 1 .. 42 of box
var numbers : array 1 .. 6 of int
var z, numChosen : int
numChosen := 0

var Winnings : array 0 .. 6 of int := init
(0, 5, 10, 100, 500, 1000, 10000)

var num : array 1 .. 6 of int

curX := maxx div 2 - 100

type car :
x : int
y : int
speed : int
end record

var cars : array 1 .. 2 of car
var y : int := maxy - 125
for i : 1 .. 2
cars (i).x := 0
cars (i).y := y
cars (1).speed := 5
cars (2).speed := 4
y -= 125
end for

setscreen ("offscreenonly")

function between (y, minpos, maxpos : int) : boolean
if y < maxpos and y > minpos then
result true
end if
result false
end between

function Move (x : int, xory : boolean, var myCar : car) : boolean
if xory then
if whatdotcolour (myCar.x - x, myCar.y) not= gray then %iSuperRages
myCar.x -= x
result true
end if
elsif whatdotcolor (myCar.x, myCar.y - x) not= gray and myCar.y > 0 and myCar.y < maxy then % iRaged
myCar.y -= x
result true
end if
result false
end Move

function ptinrect (x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2 : int) : boolean
result (x > x1) and (x < x2) and (y > y1) and (y < y2)
end ptinrect

procedure resetLotteryValues

for i : 1 .. 42
boxes (i).x := curX
boxes (i).y := curY
boxes (i).sx := curX + 20
boxes (i).sy := curY + 20
boxes (i).col := black

curX += 25
if curX > maxx div 2 + 50 then
curX := maxx div 2 - 100
curY += 25
end if

end for
end resetLotteryValues

procedure drawLottery
for i : 1 .. 42
drawbox (boxes (i).x, boxes (i).y, boxes (i).sx, boxes (i).sy, boxes (i).col)
Font.Draw (intstr (i), boxes (i).x + 5, boxes (i).y + 5, Font.New ("Arial:8"), boxes(i).col)
end for
end drawLottery

function grid (random : boolean) : array 1 .. 6 of int
View.Set ("offscreenonly")


if not random then
Mouse.Where (x, y, z)
if z not= 0 then

for i : 1 .. 42
if ptinrect (x, y, boxes (i).x, boxes (i).y, boxes (i).sx, boxes (i).sy) and boxes (i).col not= 43 then
boxes (i).col := 43
numChosen += 1

if numChosen <= 6 then
numbers (numChosen) := i
end if
end if
end for


end if

exit when numChosen >= 6
end loop
for i : 1 .. 6

var randNum : int := Rand.Int (1, 42)
if boxes (randNum).col not= 43 then
boxes (randNum).col := 43
numbers (i) := randNum
end if
end loop





end for

end if
View.Set ("nooffscreenonly")

result numbers

end grid

var Input : int := 1 % times
var ch : array char of boolean
var worked : boolean
Input.KeyDown (ch)
if ch (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
worked := Move
(cars (1).speed, true, cars (1))
elsif ch (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
worked := Move
(cars (1).speed * -1, true, cars (1))
elsif ch (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
worked := Move
(cars (1).speed * -1, false, cars (1))
elsif ch (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
worked := Move
(cars (1).speed, false, cars (1))
end if
if not Move (cars (2).speed * -1, true, cars (2)) then
if cars (2).x > 350 and cars (2).x < 400 then

worked := Move (cars (2).speed, false, cars (2))

worked := Move (cars (2).speed * -1, false, cars (2))
end if
end if
%cars (2).x += cars (2).speed

procedure lotto
Draw.FillBox (80, 120, 205, 220, green)
Draw.FillBox (250, 120, 375, 220, green)
Draw.FillBox (420, 120, 545, 220, green)
Font.Draw ("Welcome to Ryan Hodges's Lottery!", 100, 320, font3, black)
Font.Draw ("Play", 460, 170, font4, black)
Font.Draw ("Exit", 290, 170, font4, black)
Font.Draw ("Info", 120, 170, font4, black)
end lotto

if z not=0 then
if ptinrect(x,y,80,120,205,220) then
Draw.Fill (maxx, maxy, red, red)
Font.Draw ("These are the rules:", 20, 350, font3, black)
Font.Draw ("1.Control your car with the arrow keys, win the race to choose your numbers", 20, 310, font4, black)
Font.Draw ("2.If the computer wins, it chooses your numbers for you.", 20, 270, font4, black)
Font.Draw ("3.Choose six lottery numbers from 1 to 42.", 20, 230, font4, black)
Font.Draw ("4.You start with $10. Each ticket costs $5.", 20, 190, font4, black)
Font.Draw ("5.Get matches to earn money! One match=$5, Two=$20, Three=$100,Four=$500", 20, 150, font4, black)
Font.Draw ("Five=$1000,Six=$10000.", 40, 130, font4, black)
elsif ptinrect(x,y,250,120,375,220) then
elsif ptinrect(x,y,420,120,545,220) then
Font.Draw("3",maxx div 2,maxy div 2, font, yellow)
Font.Draw("2",maxx div 2,maxy div 2,font, yellow)
Font.Draw("1",maxx div 2,maxy div 2, font,yellow)
Font.Draw("GO!", maxx div 2,maxy div 2,font,yellow)

Draw.FillBox (400, 220, 370, 400, gray)
Draw.FillBox (400, 0, 370, 150, gray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 50, 220, 350, gray)
Draw.FillBox (550, 50, 570, 350, gray)
Draw.FillBox (90, 0, 110, 170, gray)
Draw.FillBox (90, 200, 110, 400, gray)
Draw.FillBox (0, 400, maxx, 390, gray)
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, 10, gray)

for i : 1 .. 2
Draw.FillOval (cars (i).x, cars (i).y, 2, 2, blue)
end for
exit when
cars (1).x > maxx or
cars (2).x > maxx
delay (25)
end if

setscreen ("nooffscreenonly")

var nums, winningNums : array 1 .. 6 of int

if cars (1).x > maxx then
% cls
Font.Draw ("You Won! Pick Your Numbers(6)", 170, 300, font2, black)

nums := grid (false)

% for i : 1 .. 6
% loop
% locatexy (300, 200)
% get nums (i)
% var complete : boolean := true
% for j : 1 .. i - 1
% if nums (j) = nums (i) then
% complete := false
% end if
% end for
% exit when (nums (i) <= 42 or nums (i) >= 1) and complete
% put "That needs to be between 1 and 42, please reenter."
% end loop
% end for


elsif cars (2).x > maxx then
% cls
Font.Draw ("You Lost Sad The computer picks your numbers", 180, 260, font1, black)
nums := grid (true)
% for i : 1 .. 6
% loop
% nums (i) := Rand.Int (1, 42)
% var complete : boolean := true
% for j : 1 .. i - 1
% if nums (j) = nums (i) then
% complete := false
% end if
% end for
% exit when complete
% end loop
% end for
end if

for i : 1 .. 6
winningNums (i) := Rand.Int (1, 42)

var complete : boolean := true
for j : 1 .. i - 1
if winningNums (j) = winningNums (i) then
complete := false
end if
end for

exit when complete
end loop
end for

var temp : int := 0

for j : 1 .. 5
for i : 1 .. 5
if winningNums (i) < winningNums (i + 1) then
temp := winningNums (i)
winningNums (i) := winningNums (i + 1)
winningNums (i + 1) := temp
end if
end for
end for

for j : 1 .. 5
for i : 1 .. 5
if nums (i) < nums (i + 1) then
temp := nums (i)
nums (i) := nums (i + 1)
nums (i + 1) := temp
end if
end for
end for

drawfill(5, 5, 105, 105)
locatexy (270, 200)
for i : 1 .. 6
put nums (i), " " ..
end for
put " "

locatexy (270, 180)
for i : 1 .. 6
put winningNums (i), " " ..
end for

put ""
var matches : int := 0
for j : 1 .. 6
for i : 1 .. 6
if nums (i) = winningNums (j) then
matches += 1
end if
end for
end for

locatexy (270, maxy div 2 + 25)
if matches = 1 then
Font.Draw("You got 1 match.",270,maxy div 2+25, font,black) % Make this into Font.Draw
% And this
end if
money += Winnings (matches)
Font.Draw ("You have this much money:" + intstr (money), 170, 300, font, black)
end if
end loop
end loop

Author:  Dreadnought [ Wed May 02, 2012 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Turing Procedure Problems

You assign a value (or values) to nums in an if statement. What happens when the conditions of the if statement are not satisfied?

Author:  kane8290 [ Thu May 03, 2012 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Turing Procedure Problems

Well your first problem is that you have "%"'s in front of many pieces of code, so they will not be acted upon Razz

Author:  Raknarg [ Fri May 04, 2012 10:08 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Turing Procedure Problems

Sometimes people do that because they dont want to erase it, but also dont want it to be used right now

Author:  Tony [ Fri May 04, 2012 12:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Turing Procedure Problems

Raknarg @ Fri May 04, 2012 10:08 am wrote:
Sometimes people do that because they dont want to erase it, but also dont want it to be used right now

that's what code versioning systems are for (e.g. Git)

Author:  Raknarg [ Fri May 04, 2012 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Turing Procedure Problems

Yeah, but what if its just for a bit? Sometimes I do that, but then forget about the code I commented.
