I jotted this program down a bit ago and figured I'd share it with you guys. I wanted this in the past and I'm happy I actually made this, anyways, this will just take in a number and output a string with commas inserted
Turing: |
fcn aC (number : int) : string
% AC stands for Add commas. This function takes a number and outputs a string
% with commas in the appropiate place
var outputString : string := intstr (number )
if length (outputString ) >= 4 then
% if there are 4 or more characters find how many commas are needed
var neededCommas : int := length (outputString ) div 3
var addIn : int := - 1 % This will add in the extra spacing the comma takes
for i : 1 .. neededCommas
addIn + = 1
% Make sure we arent on the first character
outputString := outputString (1 .. length (outputString ) - ((i * 3) + addIn )) +
"," +
outputString (length (outputString ) - ((i * 3) + addIn ) + 1 .. length (outputString ))
end for
result outputString
end if
if outputString (1) = "," then
outputString := outputString (2 .. length (outputString ))
end if
result outputString
end aC
For example:
Turing: |
aC (2000) % -> "2,000"
aC (21234) % -> "21,234"
aC (001) % -> "1"
aC (001111) % -> "1,111"
aC (11) % -> "11"
aC(213123123) -> "213,123,123"