Computer Science Canada

GUI help

Author:  hey_joe42 [ Thu Feb 20, 2003 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  GUI help

im doing a program in records, like im not sure how to input the data into file using GUI, i got it all to work with just being a binary file but i would like to make it look fancy but im just not advanced enough for gui, like im studying it and have a text book anyways if anyone can help me it be greatly appreciate, and it will teach me more about GUI,

here is what i have for my file now, remember it binaray (read, write instead of get/put but you know that)
type inventory :
product : string (10) %the product's name
manufacturer : string (10) %The company that made product
price : real %the products price%real
number : int %the number of products in the warehouse%int
reorder : int %the number which to order more; unsafe number%int
numinstock : int %the number that should be kept in stock %int
prodnumber : string (8) %the products id number %string
amtorder : int %the ammount to order
cater : string (10) %what the product catergories as
%ammount to reorder,
%product number
sale : boolean
end record
put "Product name"
get prod.product : *
if prod.product = "none" then
close : fn
end if
put "Enter the Manufacturer"
get prod.manufacturer : *
put "Price"
get prod.price
put "Amount"
get prod.number
put "warning number"
get prod.reorder
put "Enter number to reorder"
get prod.numinstock
put "Enter products number"
get prod.prodnumber
put "What catergory is the product"
get prod.cater : *
put "enter true if product is on sale, else key in false"

it would be greatly appreciate any help i could get, the more the merrier tho
thanks in advance
