Computer Science Canada

I need Help

Author:  SimmiR [ Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  I need Help

So, I have to do this for our final assignment, but I'm having trouble getting the keyboard commands work. The code is as following:


setscreen ('graphics')

% Create variables for player names
var p1 : string
var p2 : string

% We need variables to keep score
var score1, score2 : int

% Variables to choose a box from one to nine
var key1, key2 : char

% Variable to check if 'q' has been pressed
var que : char

% Welcome screen
put skip
put "Player 1, Enter your name: " ..
get p1
put skip
put "Player 2, Enter your name: " ..
get p2
delay (900)
put skip
put skip
put skip
put skip
put skip
put "                            Press any key to continue"

% To check if a start key has been pressed
var reply : string (1)
getch (reply)

% 1 is in top left corner and 9 is in bottom right corner
put "Box 1 is located in the top left corner and Box 9 is"
put "located in the bottom right corner."
put skip
put "The numbers progress from left to right."
delay (10000)

% Draw Tic Tac Toe Board
Draw.ThickLine (maxx div 3, maxy, maxx div 3, 0, 3, 20)
Draw.ThickLine ((maxx div 3) * 2, maxy, (maxx div 3) * 2, 0, 3, 20)
Draw.ThickLine (0, maxy div 3, maxx, maxy div 3, 3, 20)
Draw.ThickLine (0, (maxy div 3) * 2, maxx, (maxy div 3) * 2, 3, 20)

% Ask Player 1 to choose a number from 1 - 9
put p1, " , pick a number from 1 to 9"

if (hasch) then
    key1 := getchar

    if (key1 = '1') then
        Draw.ThickLine (0, maxy, (maxx div 3), (maxy div 3) * 2, 3, red)
        Draw.ThickLine (0, (maxx div 3) * 2, (maxx div 3), 0, 3, red)
    end if

end if

Author:  tedbean [ Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I need Help

Q: How can we find out errors in this code? if any.

Sorry I have absolutely no clue. Sad

Author:  Insectoid [ Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:I need Help

if (hasch) then

This will only execute if a key has been pressed since the last get. The program will typically finish executing far, far faster than you can hit a key. You need to keep checking over and over again to catch the keystrokes as they occur.

Author:  Alex C. [ Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:I need Help

basicly loop your program, and exit that loop when you get that key...

Author:  SimmiR [ Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  RE:I need Help

Thank to all of you, you were a great help Smile
