Computer Science Canada

Counter adding by 1...

Author:  Hunter007 [ Mon Jan 19, 2004 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Counter adding by 1...

Hey, this is another program that my friend's been working on. I can't seem to figure out why the counter keeps screwing up. The balls move and when they are supposed to intersect the collision counter adds it but when it bounces off the wall (going from left to right) it adds another collision where they usually hit.


View.Set ("graphics:481;481,offscreenonly")


%left side
drawfilloval (15, 15, 15, 15, red)
drawfilloval (15, 45, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (15, 75, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (15, 105, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (15, 135, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (15, 165, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (15, 195, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (15, 225, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (15, 255, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (15, 285, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (15, 315, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (15, 345, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (15, 375, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (15, 405, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (15, 435, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (15, 465, 15, 15, red)

drawfilloval (45, 15, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (75, 15, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (105, 15, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (135, 15, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (165, 15, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (195, 15, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (225, 15, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (255, 15, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (285, 15, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (315, 15, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (345, 15, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (375, 15, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (405, 15, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (435, 15, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (465, 15, 15, 15, red)

%right side
drawfilloval (465, 45, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (465, 75, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (465, 105, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (465, 135, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (465, 165, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (465, 195, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (465, 225, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (465, 255, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (465, 285, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (465, 315, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (465, 345, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (465, 375, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (465, 405, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (465, 435, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (465, 465, 15, 15, red)

drawfilloval (45, 465, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (75, 465, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (105, 465, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (135, 465, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (165, 465, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (195, 465, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (225, 465, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (255, 465, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (285, 465, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (315, 465, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (345, 465, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (375, 465, 15, 15, blue)
drawfilloval (405, 465, 15, 15, green)
drawfilloval (435, 465, 15, 15, blue)

var xpos : int := 55
var move : int := 1
var move1 : int := 1
var yPos : int := 155
var ymove : int := 1
var ymove1 : int := 1
var counter : int := 0
var xypos : int := 200
var yxpos : int := 110

% counter

   drawfilloval (xpos, yxpos, 25, 25, brightgreen)
   delay (10)
   drawfilloval (xpos, yxpos, 25, 25, white)
   if xpos > maxx - 58 then
       move := move * -1
   end if
   if xpos < 58 then
       move := move1 * 1
   end if
   xpos := xpos + move

   % other ball

   drawfilloval (xypos, yPos, 25, 25, black)
   delay (10)
   drawfilloval (xypos, yPos, 25, 25, white)
   if yPos > maxy - 58 then
       ymove := ymove * -1
   end if
   if yPos < 58 then
       ymove := ymove1 * 1
   end if
   yPos := yPos + ymove

   % counter

   if (xpos+12) + (yPos+12) = (xypos+12) + (yxpos + 12)

       counter := counter + 1
   end if
Text.Locate (3, 5)
put "Collision: ", counter
  Text.Locate (3, 16)
   put counter

end loop

Also the balls still flash which is annoying. I thought View.Set and View.Update would fix it, but I think he put it in the wrong spot.

Author:  TheXploder [ Mon Jan 19, 2004 9:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Try something like this:


var gridxsize, gridysize : int

gridxsize := 30
gridysize := 30

function newX (x : int) : int
    result x * gridxsize
end newX

function newY (y : int) : int
    result y * gridysize
end newY

proc objCircle (x, y, circleSize, clr : int)
    drawfilloval (newX (x) + circleSize, newY (y) + circleSize, circleSize, circleSize, clr)
end objCircle

for i : 1 .. 16
    objCircle (i-1, 0, 15, i)
end for

