%-- Slot Machine Game
%-- Varibles / Constant / Setscreens / Randoms / Drawfill
var id := Window.Open ("fullscreen,nocursor")
drawfill (1, 1, black, black)
const height := 300
const width := height * 3 div 2
const framex := (maxx - width) div 2
const framey := (maxy - height) div 2
const gap := width div 16
const window_width := width div 16 * 4
var startx : int
var starty : int
var s1, s2, s3 : int
var handle := framey + height
var handle_size := 20
var enter : string
var money_count : int := 10
var bet, x, y, z : int
var coin_count : int := money_count
const coin_width := (width div 8)
const coin_height := (height div 64)
var font1 := Font.New ("Palatino:25:bold")
var music : int
%-- Music Procedures
proc open1
play ("2E2G2A 4p 2E2G4A+2A 4p 2E2G2A 4p 2G1E")
end open1
proc open2
play (">4C4C 2p 4E4F 4C4C 2p <4B-4B >4C4C 2p 4E4F 4C4C 2p <4B-4B > 1C")
end open2
proc open3
play ("2D2D2D2D 2E2E2E2E 2C2C2C2C 4D4D4D4D 8D8D8D8D 8D8D8D8D")
end open3
proc open4
play ("4D8D8D4D4E 4D8D8D4D4E 2D2C2D 4p 4D8D8D4D4E 4D8D8D4D4E 2D2C<1A")
end open4
proc open5
play ("1D3D3F4D3D 1P 1G3D3F>4F 1P <1C3F3G3G4G 1P 1D")
end open5
%-- Entery Screen + Music
randint (music, 1, 5)
colorback (8)
Font.Draw ("WELCOME TO WALDO'S SLOTS", framex + (width div 32), framey
+ (height div 3), font1, 12)
Font.Free (font1)
case music of
label 1 :
label 2 :
label 3 :
label 4 :
label 5 :
end case
drawfill (1, 1, 7, 7)
font1 := Font.New ("Palatino:16:bold")
%-- Main Window Design
%-- Main Machine
drawbox (framex, framey, framex + width, framey + height, 0)
for i : 1 .. 3
drawbox (framex + (gap * i) + (window_width * (i - 1)),
framey + (height div 2),
framex + (gap * i) + (window_width * i),
framey + (height div 8 * 7),
end for
%-- Outline Of Slot Boxxes
drawbox (framex + (gap div 2), framey + (height div 2) - (gap div 2), framex
+ gap + window_width + (gap div 2), framey + (height div 16 * 15), 0)
drawbox (framex + (gap div 2) + window_width + gap, framey + (height div 2)
- (gap div 2), framex + (gap div 2) + (window_width * 2) + (gap * 2),
framey + (height div 16 * 15), 0)
drawbox (framex + (gap div 2) + (window_width * 2) + (gap * 2), framey
+ (height div 2) - (gap div 2), framex + (gap div 2) + (window_width *
3) + (gap * 3), framey + (height div 16 * 15), 0)
drawfill (framex + gap, framey + gap, 8, 0)
drawfill (framex + (gap div 3 * 2), framey + (height div 2 + (gap div 3 *
2)), 12, 0)
drawfill (framex + (gap div 3 * 6) + window_width, framey + (height div 2
+ (gap div 3 * 2)), 14, 0)
drawfill (framex + (gap div 3 * 9) + (window_width * 2), framey + (height
div 2 + (gap div 3 * 2)), 12, 0)
%-- Handle
drawfillbox (framex + width + (gap div 6 * 5), framey + (height div 2),
framex + width + (gap * 6 div 5), framey + height, 8)
drawfillbox (framex + width, framey + (height div 2), framex + width + (gap
div 10 * 17), framey + (height div 32 * 15), 8)
drawfilloval (framex + width + gap, handle, handle_size, handle_size, 14)
%-- Opening Mapleleafs for slots
startx := framex + (width div 16 * 3)
starty := framey + (height div 32 * 23)
drawfillmapleleaf (startx - (width div 12), starty - (height div 10), startx
+ (width div 12), starty + (height div 10), 12)
startx := framex + (width div 16 * 8)
drawfillmapleleaf (startx - (width div 12), starty - (height div 10), startx
+ (width div 12), starty + (height div 10), 12)
startx := framex + (width div 16 * 13)
drawfillmapleleaf (startx - (width div 12), starty - (height div 10), startx
+ (width div 12), starty + (height div 10), 12)
%-- Lights
drawfilloval (framex + (width div 2), framey + (height div 4), 10, 10, 0)
drawfilloval (framex + (width div 3), framey + (height div 4), 10, 10, 0)
drawfilloval (framex + (width div 3 * 2), framey + (height div 4), 10, 10, 0)
drawfilloval (framex + (width div 2), framey + (height div 4), 10, 10, 0)
drawfilloval (framex + (width div 3), framey + (height div 4), 10, 10, 0)
drawfilloval (framex + (width div 3 * 2), framey + (height div 4), 10, 10, 0)
%-- Money
%-- Money Holding Plate
drawfillbox (framex - (width div 6), framey, framex, framey + (height div
64), 8)
%-- Money
for i : 1 .. coin_count
drawfillbox (framex - (coin_width div 4 * 5), framey + (coin_height *
i), framex - (coin_width div 8 * 9) + coin_width, framey
+ (coin_height * i + 1), 14)
end for
%-- Legend
colorback (7)
Text.Color (10)
locate (1, 1)
put "2 Green Circles : $1"
locate (2, 1)
put "3 Green Circles : Bet"
Text.Color (14)
locate (3, 1)
put "2 Yellow Xs : $2"
locate (1, 56)
put "3 Yellow Xs : Bet"
Text.Color (2)
locate (2, 56)
put "2 Green Stars : $3"
locate (3, 56)
put "3 Green Stars : Bet * 2"
Text.Color (9)
locate (4, 56)
put "2 Blue Crosses : $4"
locate (1, 106)
put "3 Blue Crosses : Bet * 2"
Text.Color (12)
locate (2, 106)
put "2 Mapleleafs : $5"
locate (3, 106)
put "3 Mapleleafs : Bet * 3"
%-- Slot Machine Title
colorback (8)
Font.Draw ("WALDO'S SLOTS", framex + (width div 32 * 11), framey + (height
div 3), font1, 12)
Font.Free (font1)
%-- Procedures
%-- Winning Music
process winning_music
play (">>6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p 6A 6p")
end winning_music
%-- Flashing Lights
proc win
for i : 1 .. 20
drawfilloval (framex + (width div 2), framey + (height div 4), 10,
10, 12)
drawfilloval (framex + (width div 3), framey + (height div 4), 10,
10, 14)
drawfilloval (framex + (width div 3 * 2), framey + (height div 4),
10, 10, 14)
delay (100)
drawfilloval (framex + (width div 2), framey + (height div 4), 10,
10, 14)
drawfilloval (framex + (width div 3), framey + (height div 4), 10,
10, 12)
drawfilloval (framex + (width div 3 * 2), framey + (height div 4),
10, 10, 12)
delay (100)
end for
drawfilloval (framex + (width div 2), framey + (height div 4), 10, 10, 8)
drawfilloval (framex + (width div 3), framey + (height div 4), 10, 10, 8)
drawfilloval (framex + (width div 3 * 2), framey + (height div 4), 10,
10, 8)
end win
%-- Draw 5 Objects
proc object_1
drawfilloval (startx, starty, 20, 20, 10)
end object_1
proc object_2
drawline (startx - (width div 16), starty - (height div 16), startx
+ (width div 16), starty + (height div 16), 14)
drawline (startx + (width div 16), starty - (height div 16), startx
- (width div 16), starty + (height div 16), 14)
end object_2
proc object_3
drawfillstar (startx - (width div 12), starty - (height div 10), startx
+ (width div 12), starty + (height div 10), 2)
end object_3
proc object_4
drawfillbox (startx - (width div 32), starty - (height div 10), startx
+ (width div 32), starty + (height div 10), 9)
drawfillbox (startx - (width div 12), starty - (height div 32), startx
+ (width div 12), starty + (height div 32), 9)
end object_4
proc object_5
drawfillmapleleaf (startx - (width div 12), starty - (height div 10),
startx + (width div 12), starty + (height div 10), 12)
end object_5
%-- Main Program
colorback (7)
Text.Color (14)
locate (50, 16)
put "MONEY : ", money_count
locate (55, 58)
put "Press Enter To Play" ..
get enter : *
locate (55, 58)
put "" : 20
%-- Money Count Under Money Plate
locate (50, 16)
put "MONEY : ", money_count
%-- Get Bet
locate (55, 47)
put "How Much Of Your $", money_count, " Would You Like To Bet? : "
get bet
exit when bet > 0 and bet < money_count + 1
locate (55, 94)
put "" : 10
end loop
locate (55, 47)
put "" : 50
locate (55, 55)
put "Press Enter To Start"
get enter : *
locate (55, 55)
put "" : 50
%-- Moving Handle
drawfillbox (framex + width + (gap div 6 * 5), framey + (height div 2),
framex + width + (gap * 6 div 5), framey + height, 8)
drawfillbox (framex + width, framey + (height div 2), framex + width
+ (gap div 10 * 17), framey + (height div 32 * 15), 8)
for i : 1 .. (height div 4)
drawfilloval (framex + width + gap, handle, handle_size,
handle_size, 14)
delay (10)
drawfilloval (framex + width + gap, handle, handle_size,
handle_size, black)
handle := handle - 2
handle_size := handle_size
end for
handle := framey + height
drawfillbox (framex + width + (gap div 6 * 5), framey + (height div 2),
framex + width + (gap * 6 div 5), framey + height, 8)
drawfillbox (framex + width, framey + (height div 2), framex + width
+ (gap div 10 * 17), framey + (height div 32 * 15), 8)
drawfilloval (framex + width + gap, handle, handle_size, handle_size, 14)
%-- Slots
for roll1 : 1 .. 30
randint (s1, 1, 5)
startx := framex + (width div 16 * 3)
drawfillbox (startx - (width div 12), starty - (height div 10),
startx + (width div 12), starty + (height div 10), black)
case s1 of
label 1 :
label 2 :
label 3 :
label 4 :
label 5 :
end case
randint (s2, 1, 5)
startx := framex + (width div 16 * 8)
drawfillbox (startx - (width div 12), starty - (height div 10),
startx + (width div 12), starty + (height div 10), black)
case s2 of
label 1 :
label 2 :
label 3 :
label 4 :
label 5 :
end case
randint (s3, 1, 5)
startx := framex + (width div 16 * 13)
drawfillbox (startx - (width div 12), starty - (height div 10),
startx + (width div 12), starty + (height div 10), black)
case s3 of
label 1 :
label 2 :
label 3 :
label 4 :
label 5 :
end case
delay (100)
end for
for roll1 : 1 .. 30
randint (s1, 1, 5)
startx := framex + (width div 16 * 3)
drawfillbox (startx - (width div 12), starty - (height div 10),
startx + (width div 12), starty + (height div 10), black)
case s1 of
label 1 :
label 2 :
label 3 :
label 4 :
label 5 :
end case
randint (s2, 1, 5)
startx := framex + (width div 16 * 8)
drawfillbox (startx - (width div 12), starty - (height div 10),
startx + (width div 12), starty + (height div 10), black)
case s2 of
label 1 :
label 2 :
label 3 :
label 4 :
label 5 :
end case
delay (100)
end for
for roll1 : 1 .. 30
randint (s1, 1, 5)
startx := framex + (width div 16 * 3)
drawfillbox (startx - (width div 12), starty - (height div 10),
startx + (width div 12), starty + (height div 10), black)
case s1 of
label 1 :
label 2 :
label 3 :
label 4 :
label 5 :
end case
delay (100)
end for
%-- Winnings
if s1 = s2 and s2 = s3 and s3 = 1 then
money_count := money_count + bet
fork winning_music
elsif s1 = s2 and s2 = s3 and s3 = 2 then
money_count := money_count + bet
fork winning_music
elsif s1 = s2 and s2 = s3 and s3 = 3 then
money_count := money_count + (bet * 2)
fork winning_music
elsif s1 = s2 and s2 = s3 and s3 = 3 then
money_count := money_count + (bet * 2)
fork winning_music
elsif s1 = s2 and s2 = s3 and s3 = 5 then
money_count := money_count + (bet * 3)
fork winning_music
elsif s1 = s2 and s1 = 1 or s2 = s3 and s2 = 1 or s3 = s1 and s3 = 1 then
money_count := money_count + 1
fork winning_music
elsif s1 = s2 and s1 = 2 or s2 = s3 and s2 = 2 or s3 = s1 and s3 = 2 then
money_count := money_count + 2
fork winning_music
elsif s1 = s2 and s1 = 3 or s2 = s3 and s2 = 3 or s3 = s1 and s3 = 3 then
money_count := money_count + 3
fork winning_music
elsif s1 = s2 and s1 = 4 or s2 = s3 and s2 = 4 or s3 = s1 and s3 = 4 then
money_count := money_count + 4
fork winning_music
elsif s1 = s2 and s1 = 5 or s2 = s3 and s2 = 5 or s3 = s1 and s3 = 5 then
money_count := money_count + 5
fork winning_music
money_count := money_count - bet
end if
%-- White Lights
drawfilloval (framex + (width div 2), framey + (height div 4), 10, 10, 0)
drawfilloval (framex + (width div 3), framey + (height div 4), 10, 10, 0)
drawfilloval (framex + (width div 3 * 2), framey + (height div 4), 10,
10, 0)
drawfilloval (framex + (width div 2), framey + (height div 4), 10, 10, 0)
drawfilloval (framex + (width div 3), framey + (height div 4), 10, 10, 0)
drawfilloval (framex + (width div 3 * 2), framey + (height div 4), 10,
10, 0)
%-- Re-Draw Money Pile
if money_count < 50 then
drawfillbox (framex - (coin_width div 4 * 5), framey + (coin_height
* 1), framex - (coin_width div 8 * 9) + coin_width, framey
+ (coin_height) + (height - coin_height), black)
coin_count := money_count
for i : 1 .. coin_count
drawfillbox (framex - (coin_width div 4 * 5), framey
+ (coin_height * i), framex - (coin_width div 8 * 9) +
coin_width, framey + (coin_height * i + 1), 14)
end for
end if
locate (50, 16)
put "" : 30
locate (50, 16)
put "MONEY : ", money_count
%-- Exit Statment 1
exit when money_count = 0
%-- Play Again
locate (55, 45)
put "Would You Like To Play Again? (y/n) : " ..
locate (55, 85)
get enter : *
exit when enter = "y" or enter = "n"
locate (55, 85)
put "" : 10
end loop
locate (55, 45)
put "" : 50
%-- Exit Statment 2
exit when enter = "n"
end loop
%-- Final Statments
if money_count = 10 then
locate (55, 58)
elsif money_count > 10 then
locate (55, 55)
put "YOU CAME OUT ", money_count - 10, " DOLLARS ON TOP"
elsif money_count = 0 then
locate (55, 55)
elsif money_count < 10 then
locate (55, 55)
put "YOU LOST ", 10 - money_count, " DOLLARS OVER ALL"
end if
play (">4C4C4E8F4C 2p 4C4C4E8F4C 2p 4C4C4E8F 4C4C4E4F 4C4C4E8F4C")