Computer Science Canada

Mentioning Falcon again

Author:  btiffin [ Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:44 am ]
Post subject:  Mentioning Falcon again

Giancarlo has an article in Free Software Magazine. He's looking for volunteers to help prep the 1.0 reference implementation now that he has his dream VM wrinkled out.


Author:  btiffin [ Tue Feb 19, 2013 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mentioning Falcon again

Bumping own.

Anyone interesting in the science behind computer science should check out the Falcon scripting engine. It's becoming quite the thing, in my humble opinion.

Plus it comes with the nerd-game-bonus of "I figured it out, aremn't I smart". There is some heady stuff in this programming language, but not just for heady's sake. Giancarlo is designing a highly efficient script engine for high performance applications.

As a for instance,

The race is on to the 1.0 reference implementation. I predict (and it's a prediction, so odds are it's wrong in more ways than it's right, but anyway), I predict that above average IQ programmers will be using Falcon in the near future. I say above average as Giancarlo is not making a simple engine, it's complex and destined for programming in the large. Quality Falcon programming will require a level of skill that I akin to the C++ folks. Anyone can code C++, but very few are actually good at it. Those that are, can spin highly performing magic, and the rest of us monkey along and pretend to get it. I predict the same for Falcon. Oh, and I'll be a monkey and live vicariously through smarter people, but it won't stop me from being an advocate for others to try.

If you think you have big brains, try Falcon. It'll likely spank you around, but if not, then it will provide you with a very powerful tool.

I got spanked, so I leave it to others can blaze the trails.

