Computer Science Canada

who wants to be a millionaire help

Author:  edkedned [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:27 pm ]
Post subject:  who wants to be a millionaire help

Hello ,I need help with my who wants to be a millionaire game...I am trying to figure out how to change screens from after a question is answered correctly and the program keeps messing up..and if anyone could also suggest an idea on the easiest way to implement phone a friend in the game

// The "Millionaire" class.
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class Millionaire extends Applet implements ActionListener
// Place instance variables here
AudioClip background;
Image menuPic, gameInt, game_overPic, correct;
ImageIcon start_button, rules_button, fifty_fifty, phoneFriend, switchQ;
byte screen = 0, question = 0;
JButton start_game, instructions, cont_game;
JButton clicked = null;
JButton chA, chB, chC, chD;
JButton fiftyF, sQ, paF;

byte question_count = 0;
int amount_earning = 0;
boolean right_answer = false;
boolean wrong = false;

public void init ()

//menuscreen picture
menuPic = getImage (getCodeBase (), "images\\menu_screen.jpg");
gameInt = getImage (getCodeBase (), "images\\game_interfaced.jpg");
game_overPic = getImage (getCodeBase (), "images\\game_over.jpg");
correct = getImage (getCodeBase (), "correct.gif");

Color lightblue = new Color (160, 32, 240);

start_button = new ImageIcon ("images\\start_button.jpg");
rules_button = new ImageIcon ("images\\rules_button.jpg");

background = getAudioClip (getCodeBase (), "audios\\question.wav");
background.loop ();

//fires layout manager
setLayout (null);

start_game = new JButton (start_button);
instructions = new JButton (rules_button);

start_game.addActionListener (this);
instructions.addActionListener (this);

start_game.setBounds (15, 721, 300, 80);
instructions.setBounds (390, 730, 295, 68);

add (start_game);
add (instructions);

} // init method

public void life_line ()

fifty_fifty = new ImageIcon ("images\\50_button.jpg");
phoneFriend = new ImageIcon ("images\\PhoneAFriend_button.jpg");
switchQ = new ImageIcon ("images\\sQ_button.jpg");

fiftyF = new JButton (fifty_fifty);
sQ = new JButton (switchQ);
paF = new JButton (phoneFriend);

fiftyF.addActionListener (this);
sQ.addActionListener (this);
paF.addActionListener (this);

fiftyF.setBounds (175, 15, 90, 50);
sQ.setBounds (308, 15, 90, 50);
paF.setBounds (35, 15, 90, 50);

add (fiftyF);
add (sQ);
add (paF);

public void correct ()
screen = 5;
cont_game = new JButton ("CONTINUE");

cont_game.setBounds (480, 730, 340, 48);
cont_game.setForeground (Color.white);
cont_game.setBackground (Color.magenta);

cont_game.addActionListener (this);
add (cont_game);

validate ();
repaint ();
removeAll ();

public void question_one ()
question = 1;
question_count = 1;

chA = new JButton ("Basketball");
chB = new JButton ("Hockey");
chC = new JButton ("Soccer");
chD = new JButton ("Wrestling");

chA.setBounds (20, 658, 340, 48);
chB.setBounds (420, 658, 340, 48);
chC.setBounds (20, 730, 340, 48);
chD.setBounds (420, 730, 340, 48);

chA.setForeground (Color.white);
chA.setBackground (;

chB.setForeground (Color.white);
chB.setBackground (;

chC.setForeground (Color.white);
chC.setBackground (;

chD.setForeground (Color.white);
chD.setBackground (;

chA.addActionListener (this);
chB.addActionListener (this);
chC.addActionListener (this);
chD.addActionListener (this);

add (chA);
add (chB);
add (chC);
add (chD);

validate ();
repaint ();

public void question_two ()
screen = 1;
question = 2;
question_count = 2;

chA = new JButton ("Ludge");
chB = new JButton ("Triathlon");
chC = new JButton ("RC Skiing");
chD = new JButton ("Biathlon");

chA.setBounds (20, 658, 340, 48);
chB.setBounds (420, 658, 340, 48);
chC.setBounds (20, 720, 340, 48);
chD.setBounds (420, 720, 340, 48);

chA.setForeground (Color.white);
chA.setBackground (;

chB.setForeground (Color.white);
chB.setBackground (;

chC.setForeground (Color.white);
chC.setBackground (;

chD.setForeground (Color.white);
chD.setBackground (;

chA.addActionListener (this);
chB.addActionListener (this);
chC.addActionListener (this);
chD.addActionListener (this);

add (chA);
add (chB);
add (chC);
add (chD);

validate ();
repaint ();

public void phone_friend ()


public void fifty_fifty (JButton test)
if (question == 1)
screen = 1;
question = 1;
question_count = 1;

chB = new JButton ("Hockey");
chC = new JButton ("Soccer");

question_one ();

chA.setEnabled (false);
chB.setEnabled (false);

repaint ();



public void check_answer (JButton test)
if (question == 1)
if (test == chB)
right_answer = true;
amount_earning = 100;

Thread.sleep (500);
catch (InterruptedException e)
repaint ();

wrong = true;
removeAll ();
repaint ();

if (question == 2)
if (test == chD)
right_answer = true;
amount_earning = 200;

Thread.sleep (500);
catch (InterruptedException e)

question = 3;

removeAll ();
repaint ();
screen = 3;
removeAll ();
repaint ();


public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
JButton clicked = (JButton) e.getSource ();

if (start_game == clicked)
{ ();
screen = 1;
removeAll ();

question_one ();
question = 1;

check_answer (clicked);
correct ();

if (cont_game == clicked)
screen = 1;



//check_answer (clicked);

public void paint (Graphics g)

Font f = new Font ("Cambria", Font.BOLD, 35);
g.setFont (f);

if (screen == 0)
//Intro Page .... Game start ....
g.drawImage (menuPic, 0, 0, this); ();

if (screen == 1)
//Game Interface
g.drawImage (gameInt, 0, 0, this);

if (question == 1)
Thread.sleep (500);
catch (InterruptedException e)
g.setColor (Color.white);
g.drawString ("Which Sport Begins With A Face Off?", 45, 600);

chA.repaint ();
chB.repaint ();
chC.repaint ();
chD.repaint ();

if (question == 2)

f = new Font ("Cambria", Font.BOLD, 25);
g.setFont (f);

Thread.sleep (500);
catch (InterruptedException e)
g.setColor (Color.white);
g.drawString ("Cross country skiing and rifle shooting make up which sport? ", 45, 600);

chA.repaint ();
chB.repaint ();
chC.repaint ();
chD.repaint ();

if (question == 3)

f = new Font ("Cambria", Font.BOLD, 25);
g.setFont (f);

Thread.sleep (500);
catch (InterruptedException e)
g.setColor (Color.white);
g.drawString (" What company 's logo is called the 'swoosh'? ", 45, 600);

chA.repaint ();
chB.repaint ();
chC.repaint ();
chD.repaint ();

if (amount_earning == 100)
g.setColor (;
g.drawRect (800, 730, 130, 50);

if (wrong == true)
g.drawImage (game_overPic, 0, 0, this);

if (screen == 5)
g.drawImage (correct, 0, 0, this);

cont_game.repaint ();
} // paint method

// Millionaire class

Author:  Tony [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:who wants to be a millionaire help

Before you get too far into this.. notice how your

public void question_one ()
public void question_two ()

are _almost_ the same? Abstract the common parts into a single function, and load whatever differences from arguments/arrays/data-file/whatever-you-want. This will also save you from having if (question == 1) else (question == 2) else (...) x20 madness. Basically it's a bit more complicated to set up, but at the end you end up writing 20 times less code.

Author:  edkedned [ Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:39 am ]
Post subject:  RE:who wants to be a millionaire help

Oh ..ok..could you please explain to me how i would do that?

Author:  apython1992 [ Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:who wants to be a millionaire help

Tony @ Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:36 pm wrote:
Abstract the common parts into a single function

You have two functions that do pretty much the same thing. Can you tell what is common between the two functions?

Author:  edkedned [ Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:who wants to be a millionaire help

The buttons and their locations

Author:  apython1992 [ Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:who wants to be a millionaire help

So write this into one function, and determine the colour and location of the buttons based on a parameter that is passed in.
