Compare returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order, as mentioned at
It tells you the alphabetical ordering of two strings. Here are some test cases that you can try:
code: | String.Compare("A", "B") | Returns -1 since A is alphabetically before B
code: | String.Compare("a", "B") | Returns -1 since a is alphabetically before B
code: | String.Compare("B", "A") | Returns 1 since B is alphabetically after A
code: | String.Compare("B", "B") | Returns 0 since B is alphabetically the same as B
Here?s where it can get confusing:
code: | String.Compare("B", "b") | Returns 1 since although B is alphabetically the same as b, B?s character code is less than b
code: | String.Compare("b", "B") | Returns -1 since although b is alphabetically the same as B, b?s character code is greater than B
The API seems to differ once you start comparing the same letter, but different case. If your intent is to determine that b is alphabetically the same as B, then your best bet is to use this method:
code: | String.Compare("b", "B", true) | Returns 0 - equivalent ignoring case
Where true means to ignore case.
The same thing applies when comparing longer strings, i.e.:
code: | String.Compare("Apple", "Apricot", true) | Returns -1 since apple is alphabetically before Apricot
code: | String.Compare("Apricot", "Apple", true) | Returns 1 since apricot is alphabetically before apple |