Computer Science Canada

Why does CompSci keep on freezing

Author:  santabruzer [ Sun Jan 11, 2004 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Why does CompSci keep on freezing

I was accessing this site from school, but it keeps on freezing.. and when i access it at home.. if i have my MSN turned of, it'll turn it on.. is it just my computer being a bastard... or is this some MSN. thing?

Author:  Tony [ Sun Jan 11, 2004 8:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

compsci IS interfaced with MSN (you can instant message users right from the forum) but having an older version (not 6.x) might mess things up

Author:  Amailer [ Sun Jan 11, 2004 8:39 pm ]
Post subject: 


function DoInstantMessage(person,screen)
                if(confirm("Add "+screen+" to your contact list?")==true)MsgrObj.AddContact(0,person);
                if(confirm("Send "+screen+" an instant message?")==true)MsgrObj.InstantMessage(person);
                alert("An error occured while attempting to launch Messenger!\nPlease verify you have Messenger installed and that you are logged onto the service.\n\nError Code: "+e.number);


idk that MIGHT be the script???
del it.
