Computer Science Canada animation + proc problem |
Author: | kyoshiro [ Sun Jan 11, 2004 12:19 pm ] |
Post subject: | animation + proc problem |
I've created an intro page for a program and it needs a bit of tweaking. One of the first problems is the buttonwait procedure. When i run my program it executes by calling specific procedures in order, however, the last procedure is called b4 the procedure b4 it was finished. Quote: % elevator intro page setscreen ("graphics:640;480") drawfill (1, 1, red, red) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% proc intro () var FontID, FontID2 : int FontID := Font.New ("Arial:35:Italic,Bold,underline") FontID2 := Font.New ("Arial:35:Italic,Bold,underline") for decreasing x : 20 .. 15 Font.Draw ("The Elevator Program", 55 + x + 5, 340 + x + 5, FontID, x) if x = 15 then Font.Draw ("The Elevator Program", 55 + x + 5, 340 + x + 5, FontID2, white) end if delay (150) end for end intro %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% proc introfinal () var FontID, FontID2 : int FontID := Font.New ("Arial:35:Italic,Bold,underline") FontID2 := Font.New ("Arial:35:Italic,Bold,underline") for decreasing x : 20 .. 15 Font.Draw ("The Elevator Program", 55 + x + 5, 340 + x + 5, FontID, x) if x = 15 then Font.Draw ("The Elevator Program", 55 + x + 5, 340 + x + 5, FontID2, white) end if end for end introfinal %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% proc movingbox setscreen ("offscreenonly") View.Update for y : 1 .. 100 by 10 introfinal () drawfill (1, 1, red, red) % a counted loop that is stored in the variable y drawfillbox (240, 160 - y, 400, 320 - y, blue) drawline (400, 160 - y, 440, 200 - y, blue) drawline (400, 320 - y, 440, 360 - y, blue) drawline (440, 200 - y, 440, 360 - y, blue) drawline (240, 320 - y, 280, 360 - y, blue) drawfill (420, 200 - y, brightblue, blue) drawline (280, 360 - y, 440, 360 - y, blue) drawfill (300, 350 - y, brightcyan, blue) View.Update cls drawfill (1, 1, red, red) delay (300) %draws a box that look 3d and has different shades of blue end for introfinal () drawfillbox (240, 60, 400, 220, blue) drawline (400, 60, 440, 100, blue) drawline (400, 220, 440, 260, blue) drawline (440, 100, 440, 260, blue) drawline (240, 220, 280, 260, blue) drawfill (420, 100, brightblue, blue) drawline (280, 260, 440, 260, blue) drawfill (300, 250, brightcyan, blue) end movingbox proc button1 () var FontID : int FontID := Font.New ("Arial:25:Italic,Bold") drawbox (500, 50, 600, 100, black) Font.Draw ("Start", 512, 65, FontID, black) var x, y, bud, bnum, num1, num2 : int := 0 buttonwait ("up", x, y, bud, bnum) if x >= 500 and x <= 600 and y >= 50 and y <= 100 then cls end if end button1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%END OF PROCEDURES%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %THE CALLING OF PROCS%% intro () movingbox () button1 () For instance, when i call movingbox() it executes, the box is supposed to move down and draw a button. Then After that is done, it supposed to call button1(); however, b4 the moving box finishes and draws the button, the buttonwait is excuted. When i press outside the button (which isnt drawn yet) it then draws the button -.-;! plx help |
Author: | CITC [ Sun Jan 11, 2004 7:29 pm ] |
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whats your question? |
Author: | kyoshiro [ Mon Jan 12, 2004 10:06 pm ] |
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why does buttonwait occur b4 the button is drawn.. my teacher and i cannot get it to work. could it be a problem in the compiles Turing 4.0.3 |
Author: | DanShadow [ Tue Jan 13, 2004 8:57 am ] |
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I dont see any buttonwait commands....maybe put it in bold? |