Computer Science Canada

Grids, Backgrounds, Music, Movement, Interaction, and then some.

Author:  CastlevaniaBird [ Sun Apr 03, 2011 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Grids, Backgrounds, Music, Movement, Interaction, and then some.

What is it you are trying to achieve?
Three years after I took a programming class, I forget ~95% Of my coding. I am trying to create a game that plays roughly like Pokemon (Yeah, another knock-off.) called "Turingmon".
Creative, right?
Well, that's where Compsci comes in. I'm going to be hammering away at this, and I will be needing a lot of help. I figured it's easiest to set up a thread early, rather than get neck-deep in crud, get mad, and then relay that rage onto all of you.

So, that's what I'll do.

What is the problem you are having?
First Issue to address:

Organization into "for loops", as well as variable fixing.

Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
Tried a few different placements of "For" And eventually settled without a loop, thus expanding my code way too much.
Also, set a bunch of variables, not sure which are correct.

Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
Current looks of the code - yes, it's painful. Also, tried to indent and got "NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO INDENT", so sorry. D:

var gender : int % Picks your gender
var name : string % Prompts your name
var yesno1 : int
var playerX, playerY : int
const GRID_SIZE : int := 16
const MAP_PASSABLE : char := ' '
const MAP_IMPASSABLE : char := 'X'
var mapCols, mapRows : int
var map :array 1..mapCols, 1..mapRows of char
var stream : int
open: stream, "mymap", get
get : stream, mapCols
get : stream, mapRows
for r : 1..mapRows
    for c :1..mapCols
    end for
    end for

const SPEED : int:= 5
var bedroomstart :int := Pic.FileNew ("Bedroom2.jpg")
var boydown : int := Pic.FileNew ("boydown.jpg")
var boyleft : int := Pic.FileNew ("boyleft.jpg")
var boyright : int := Pic.FileNew ("boyright.jpg")
var boyup : int := Pic.FileNew ("boyup.jpg")
var girldown : int := Pic.FileNew ("girldown.jpg")
var girlleft : int := Pic.FileNew ("girlleft.jpg")
var girlright : int := Pic.FileNew ("girlright.jpg")
var girlup : int :=Pic.FileNew ("girlup.jpg")
var chars : array char of boolean
var bgheight2 :=Pic.Height (bedroomstart)
var picwidth1 :=Pic.Width (boydown)
var picwidth2 :=Pic.Width (boyleft)
var picwidth3 :=Pic.Width (boyright)  %All of these widths and heights and stuff are here because I want
var picwidth4 :=Pic.Width (boyup)     % there to be different sprites used when you are facing
var picwidth5 :=Pic.Width (girldown)  % Different directions; for example, if you are going down
var picwidth6 :=Pic.Width (girlleft)     % I want you to be looking that way.  I think I did this wrong, no idea.
var picwidth7 :=Pic.Width (girlright)
var picwidth8 :=Pic.Width (girlup)
var picheight1 :=Pic.Height (boydown)
var picheight2 :=Pic.Height (boyleft)
var picheight3 :=Pic.Height (boyright)
var picheight4 :=Pic.Height (boyup)
var picheight5 :=Pic.Height (girldown)
var picheight6 :=Pic.Height (girlleft)
var picheight7 :=Pic.Height (girlright)
var picheight8 :=Pic.Height (girlup)
var bgwidth2 := Pic.Width (bedroomstart)
var bgX := (bgwidth2 -maxx) div 2
var bgY := (bgheight2 - maxy) div 2
var x : int
var y : int
x := (bgwidth2 - picwidth2) div 2 and (bgwidth2 - picwidth1)div 2 and (bgwidth2 - picwidth3) div 2 and (bgwidth2 - picwidth4) div 2 and (bgwidth2 - picwidth5) div 2 and (bgwidth2 - picwidth6) div 2 and (bgwidth2 - picwidth7) div 2 and (bgwidth2 - picwidth8) div 2
y := (bgheight2 - picheight1) div 2 and(bgheight2 - picheight2) div 2 and(bgheight2 - picheight3) div 2 and (bgheight2 - picheight4) div 2 and (bgheight2 - picheight5) div 2 and(bgheight2 - picheight6) div 2 and (bgheight2 - picheight7) div 2 and(bgheight2 - picheight8) div 2
setscreen ("graphics:512,256")
Draw.Box (maxx, 0, 0, 100, black)
locate (11, 15)
put "Hello! Welcome to the world of TURINGMON."
delay (2000)
locate (12, 15)
put "My name is ALTU."
delay (2000)
locate (13, 20)
put "People often refer to me as"
locate (14,20)
delay (4000)
Draw.Box (maxx, 0, 0, 100, black)
locate (11, 20)
    put "First of all, are you a BOY or a GIRL?"
    locate (12, 20)
    put "(1)  BOY     (2)  GIRL"
    get gender
    Draw.Box (maxx, 0, 0, 100, black)
    locate (11, 20)
    if gender = 1 then
        put "So you're a boy?"
        delay (1000)
        put "(1)  YES     (2)  NO"
        get yesno1
        if yesno1 = 1 then
        elsif yesno1 = 2 then
        end if
    elsif gender = 2 then
        put "So you're a girl?"
        delay (1000)
        put "(1)  YES     (2)  NO"
        get yesno1
        if yesno1 = 1 then
            yesno1 := 2
        end if
    end if
end loop
if gender = 1 then
    Draw.Box (maxx, 0, 0, 100, black)
    locate (11, 20)
    put "Okay, so you're a boy!"
elsif gender = 2 then
    Draw.Box (maxx, 0, 0, 100, black)
    locate (11, 20)
    put "Okay so you're a girl!"
    delay (2000)
end if
locate (11, 20)
put "What's your name?"
get name
locate (12, 20)
put name, ", Eh?  That's a funny name.  Oh well."
delay (2000)
Draw.Box (maxx, 0, 0, 100, black)
locate (11, 20)
put name, ", you're about to embark"
locate (12, 20)
put "on a wonderful journey!"
locate (13, 20)
put "Make us proud!"
delay (3000)
colorback (31)
delay (50)
colorback (30) %needs
delay (50)
colorback (29)  %more
delay (50)
colorback (28)  %for
delay (50)
colorback (27) %loop
delay (50)
colorback (26)
delay (50)
colorback (25)
delay (50)
colorback (24)
delay (50)
colorback (23)
delay (50)
colorback (22)
delay (50)
colorback (21)
delay (50)
colorback (20)
delay (50)
colorback (19)
delay (50)
colorback (18)
delay (50)
colorback (16)
delay (3000)
colorback (white)
if gender = 1 then
Pic.Draw (bedroomstart, -bgX, -bgY, picCopy)
Pic.Draw (boydown, x-bgX, y-bgY, picMerge)

if hasch then
    var ch : string (1)
    getch (ch)
    if ch = KEY_UP_ARROW then
    y += SPEED
    if y - bgY + picheight1 > maxy then
        bgY := y + picheight1 - maxy
        end if
        elsif ch = KEY_DOWN_ARROW then
        y -= SPEED
        if y < bgY then
        bgY := y
        end if
        elsif ch = KEY_LEFT_ARROW then
        x -= SPEED
        if x < bgX then
            bgX := x
            end if
            elsif ch = KEY_RIGHT_ARROW then
            x += SPEED
            if x - bgX + picwidth1 > maxx then
            bgX := x + picwidth1 - maxx
            end if
            end if
            end if
            end loop


end loop
elsif gender = 2 then
Pic.Draw (bedroomstart, -bgX, -bgY, picCopy)
Pic.Draw (girldown, x-bgX, y-bgY, picMerge)

if hasch then
    var ch : string (1)
    getch (ch)
    if ch = KEY_UP_ARROW then
    y += SPEED
    if y - bgY + picheight1 > maxy then
        bgY := y + picheight1 - maxy
        end if
        elsif ch = KEY_DOWN_ARROW then
        y -= SPEED
        if y < bgY then
        bgY := y
        end if
        elsif ch = KEY_LEFT_ARROW then
        x -= SPEED
        if x < bgX then
            bgX := x
            end if
            elsif ch = KEY_RIGHT_ARROW then
            x += SPEED
            if x - bgX + picwidth1 > maxx then
            bgX := x + picwidth1 - maxx
            end if
            end if
            end if
            end loop

end if

Please specify what version of Turing you are using

Author:  Raknarg [ Sun Apr 03, 2011 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Grids, Backgrounds, Music, Movement, Interaction, and then some.

1: Your picwidth and picheight are redundant, as you can call them as they are in your variable settings. Instead of having a vairable for picheight1, you could just call Pic.Height (picture).
2: Instead of having a different variable for every picture, use one string. Remember that the Pic.FileNew is asking for a string, so you can replace that with a variable. To do that, you would just call a new picture every time the direction changes, and replace the string with the new picture
3: I see you use (bgwidth2 - picwidth2) div 2 and (bgwidth2 - picwidth1)div 2 and.... so on. I don't think you can do that; if you're trying to add them, use +.

I would fix those things first.

Author:  CastlevaniaBird [ Sun Apr 03, 2011 6:06 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Grids, Backgrounds, Music, Movement, Interaction, and then some.

Well, the movement works so far, so I think that coding works, but yes, it's ugly as sin.

Also, all of that picheight variable-ism isn't needed? I can just take it all out?

Finally, I don't remember enough from class two years ago to call a picture from a string. Any reminders?


Author:  Raknarg [ Sun Apr 03, 2011 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Grids, Backgrounds, Music, Movement, Interaction, and then some.

So no, you don't need a variable for Pic.Height. You can I suppose, but that's why there's a predefined function for it.

And calling a picture is generally something people don't teach it seems, I thought of it myself (though obviously I don't take credit for inventing it, I'm sure others have discovered it Razz )

var picname : string := "Bedroom2.jpg"
var pic : int := Pic.FileNew (picname)

That way you only need 2 variables: one for the picture name and one for the actual picture.

Author:  Tony [ Sun Apr 03, 2011 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Grids, Backgrounds, Music, Movement, Interaction, and then some.

You can catch up on Turing with The Turing Walkthrough. It will definitely be helpful.

Reconsider your design. It would be very helpful to have the game be driven by a single "main loop" and have various levels of abstraction. You'd definitely want to have things like dialogs to be coming from data files rather than code.

Author:  CastlevaniaBird [ Sun Apr 03, 2011 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Grids, Backgrounds, Music, Movement, Interaction, and then some.

Now mentioning that dialog from separate files does sound a lot easier - I don't recall them teaching me that when I took the course - but that was also two years ago. Looking at what I'm reading, It sounds easier to scrap the code I've got now and start from scratch.

On that note, the Turing Tutorial link is what got me to where I was in my program, haha. A bit to wrap my head around in two hours, but still, I bookmarked the link for when I either restart or progress on my program.

Author:  Tony [ Sun Apr 03, 2011 6:33 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Grids, Backgrounds, Music, Movement, Interaction, and then some.

Strong suggestion for such a large project -- set yourself up with source control system. GitHub has free accounts for students --

It might be some work to set it up and get used to the workflow, but it's basically a requirement in real world, and will save your project when you accidentally overwrite a file, or your hard-drive crashes.

Author:  CastlevaniaBird [ Sun Apr 03, 2011 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Grids, Backgrounds, Music, Movement, Interaction, and then some.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check it out. +Karma. (at least, +Karma when I get 25 points. Hahaha.)
