Computer Science Canada Tic Tac Toe AI HELP/CORRECTION |
Author: | phillipsworld [ Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:58 pm ] |
Post subject: | Tic Tac Toe AI HELP/CORRECTION |
Okay i dont know why but everything just disappeared and i am retyping this for the second time :@. Okay i need help with my AI. This is a Tic Tac Toe game once i place a mark the computer wont do it after me. The code is there can some one adjust/change around for me so it works or tell me how to change it i would really appreciate it. For the player you click the black circles to make your move. computer wont work that is my problem.... I am new to turing i only started it couple weeks ago please don't hate. Turing Code if you do not want to download it: %Tic Tac Toe View.Set ("graphics:1000,480") %Grid var start : string (1) var font0 : int := Font.New ("Arial:15") var font : int := Font.New ("Courier New:20") var font1 : int := Font.New ("Viner Hand ITC:20") var font2 : int := Font.New ("Courier New:40") var font3 : int := Font.New ("BankGothic Md BT:30") var font4 : int := Font.New ("BankGothic Md BT:20") var font5 : int := Font.New ("BankGothic Md BT:15") var unt1, unt2, unt3, unt4, unt5, unt6, unt7, unt8, unt9 : int := 0 var slct, cslct, AIslct : int := 0 var playwn, dcsn : int := 0 %Ground drawfillbox (0, 0, 1000, 20, 115) %Sky drawfillbox (0, 20, 1000, 480, 125) %MOON drawfilloval (885, 310, 55, 50, 44) %CLOUD drawfilloval (800, 310, 60, 20, grey) drawfilloval (800, 328, 30, 10, grey) drawfilloval (790, 290, 50, 10, grey) drawfilloval (770, 308, 40, 20, grey) drawfilloval (770, 308, 60, 20, grey) %CLOUD2 drawfilloval (400, 390, 60, 20, grey) drawfilloval (400, 408, 30, 10, grey) drawfilloval (380, 370, 50, 10, grey) drawfilloval (360, 388, 40, 20, grey) drawfilloval (360, 388, 60, 20, grey) %CLOUD3 drawfilloval (140, 260, 60, 20, grey) drawfilloval (140, 278, 30, 10, grey) drawfilloval (120, 240, 50, 10, grey) drawfilloval (100, 258, 40, 20, grey) drawfilloval (100, 258, 60, 20, grey) %CITY drawfillbox (490, 20, 550, 100, 140) drawfillbox (510, 20, 530, 50, black) drawfillbox (390, 20, 470, 80, 187) drawfillbox (420, 20, 440, 50, black) drawfillbox (570, 20, 650, 60, 140) drawfillbox (590, 20, 610, 46, black) %PERSON drawfilloval (480, 53, 9, 9, 139) drawfillbox (485, 45, 475, 20, white) %PERSON drawfilloval (680, 53, 9, 9, 139) drawfillbox (685, 45, 675, 20, 28) %PERSON drawfilloval (280, 53, 9, 9, 139) drawfillbox (285, 45, 275, 20, 21) Font.Draw ("Defuse The Bomb!", 469, 420, font3, green) Font.Draw ("Defuse The Bomb!", 470, 421, font3, black) Font.Draw ("Defuse The Bomb By Playing Tic Tac Toe.", 292, 160, font5, black) Font.Draw ("Defuse The Bomb By Playing Tic Tac Toe.", 290, 160, font5, black) Font.Draw ("GOOD LUCK ON YOUR MISSION. Press any key to continue.", 51, 130, font4, green) Font.Draw ("GOOD LUCK ON YOUR MISSION. Press any key to continue.", 50, 130, font4, black) Font.Draw ("Phillip Grzybowski?", 751, 20, font5, green) Font.Draw ("Phillip Grzybowski?", 750, 20, font5, black) getch (start) %TABLE drawfillbox (0, 0, 1000, 480, 115) % drawfillbox (0, 0, 251, 291, black) % Paper drawfillbox (0, 0, 250, 290, 0) %TXT Font.Draw ("Defuse The Bomb", 25, 235, font1, black) Font.Draw ("By Getting 3 's", 5, 185, font1, black) Font.Draw ("In A Row.", 5, 135, font1, black) Font.Draw ("Good Luck.", 5, 45, font1, black) Font.Draw ("From, Al Qaeda", 30, 10, font1, black) %circle drawfilloval (210, 190, 17, 17, black) drawfilloval (210, 190, 15, 15, 10) %wires drawarc (625, 353, 65, 40, 270, 180, red) drawarc (624, 354, 65, 40, 270, 180, red) drawarc (623, 355, 65, 40, 270, 180, red) drawarc (622, 356, 65, 40, 270, 180, red) drawarc (621, 357, 65, 40, 270, 180, red) drawarc (620, 358, 65, 40, 270, 180, red) drawarc (619, 359, 65, 40, 270, 180, red) drawarc (618, 360, 65, 40, 270, 180, red) %wire2 drawarc (600, 340, 65, 40, 270, 180, yellow) drawarc (599, 340, 65, 40, 271, 180, yellow) drawarc (598, 340, 65, 40, 272, 180, yellow) drawarc (597, 340, 65, 40, 273, 180, yellow) drawarc (596, 340, 65, 40, 274, 180, yellow) %Bomb drawfillbox (300, 20, 700, 350, black) % drawfillbox (301, 21, 700, 350, 23) % % drawfillbox (300, 320, 620, 420, 23) %Bombscreen_around drawfillbox (319, 349, 571, 411, black) %Bombscreen drawfillbox (320, 350, 570, 410, 143) % drawfilloval (595, 375, 15, 15, black) %Red Light drawfilloval (595, 375, 13, 13, 12) %Explosives drawfillbox (699, 19, 921, 351, black) % drawfillbox (700, 20, 920, 350, 190) % drawfillbox (700, 280, 920, 300, black) % drawfillbox (835, 350, 860, 20, black) % drawfillbox (700, 180, 920, 200, black) % drawfillbox (700, 80, 920, 100, black) % drawfillbox (685, 270, 695, 120, black) % drawfillbox (780, 270, 770, 120, black) % drawfillbox (689, 250, 775, 140, grey) % drawline (300, 420, 300, 290, black) % drawline (300, 420, 620, 420, black) % drawline (620, 420, 620, 350, black) % drawline (620, 350, 699, 350, black) % drawline (688, 250, 688, 140, red) drawline (689, 250, 689, 140, red) drawline (690, 250, 690, 140, red) drawline (691, 250, 691, 140, red) drawline (774, 250, 774, 140, red) drawline (775, 250, 775, 140, red) drawline (775, 250, 775, 140, red) drawline (776, 250, 776, 140, red) drawline (695, 220, 770, 220, black) drawline (695, 240, 770, 240, black) drawline (695, 200, 770, 200, black) drawline (695, 180, 770, 180, black) drawline (695, 160, 770, 160, black) proc GameBoard %chartvertical drawfillbox (430, 30, 440, 340, black) drawfillbox (550, 30, 560, 340, black) %horizontal drawfillbox (320, 240, 680, 250, black) drawfillbox (320, 130, 680, 140, black) end GameBoard %Click Guide (Black Circles) %BL drawfilloval (367, 77, 30, 30, black) %BM drawfilloval (492, 77, 30, 30, black) %BR drawfilloval (617, 77, 30, 30, black) %ML drawfilloval (370, 192, 30, 30, black) %MM drawfilloval (492, 192, 30, 30, black) %MR drawfilloval (617, 192, 30, 30, black) %TL drawfilloval (377, 297, 30, 30, black) %TM drawfilloval (492, 297, 30, 30, black) %TR drawfilloval (617, 297, 30, 30, black) %BOMB TXT Font.Draw ("5 min...", 320, 355, font2, 18) %Numbered boxes Font.Draw ("1", 410, 255, font, black) Font.Draw ("1", 411, 255, font, black) % Font.Draw ("2", 530, 255, font, black) Font.Draw ("2", 531, 255, font, black) % Font.Draw ("3", 660, 255, font, black) Font.Draw ("3", 661, 255, font, black) % Font.Draw ("4", 410, 145, font, black) Font.Draw ("4", 411, 145, font, black) % Font.Draw ("5", 530, 145, font, black) Font.Draw ("5", 531, 145, font, black) % Font.Draw ("6", 660, 145, font, black) Font.Draw ("6", 661, 145, font, black) % Font.Draw ("7", 410, 35, font, black) Font.Draw ("7", 411, 35, font, black) % Font.Draw ("8", 530, 35, font, black) Font.Draw ("8", 531, 35, font, black) % Font.Draw ("9", 660, 35, font, black) Font.Draw ("9", 661, 35, font, black) % % draw O in bottom left spot proc OBL drawfilloval (367, 77, 25, 25, 10) end OBL % draw O in bottom middle spot proc OBM drawfilloval (492, 77, 25, 25, 10) end OBM % draw O in bottom right spot proc OBR drawfilloval (617, 77, 25, 25, 10) end OBR % draw O in middle left spot proc OML drawfilloval (370, 192, 25, 25, 10) end OML % draw O in middle spot proc OM drawfilloval (492, 192, 25, 25, 10) end OM % draw O in middle right spot proc OMR drawfilloval (617, 192, 25, 25, 10) end OMR % draw O in top left spot proc OTL drawfilloval (377, 297, 25, 25, 10) end OTL % Draw O in top middle spot proc OTM drawfilloval (492, 297, 25, 25, 10) end OTM % draw O in top right spot proc OTR drawfilloval (617, 297, 25, 25, 10) end OTR % draw O in place selected/if statements. proc DrawO var x, y, b : int loop Mouse.Where (x, y, b) if b = 1 and x > 325 and x < 435 and y > 65 and y < 150 then OBL elsif b = 1 and x > 435 and x < 550 and y > 30 and y < 150 then OBM elsif b = 1 and x > 550 and x < 640 and y > 65 and y < 150 then OBR elsif b = 1 and x > 325 and x < 435 and y > 150 and y < 235 then OML elsif b = 1 and x > 410 and x < 495 and y > 150 and y < 235 then OM elsif b = 1 and x > 550 and x < 640 and y > 150 and y < 235 then OMR elsif b = 1 and x > 325 and x < 435 and y > 235 and y < 320 then OTL elsif b = 1 and x > 410 and x < 495 and y > 235 and y < 320 then OTM elsif b = 1 and x > 585 and x < 680 and y > 235 and y < 320 then OTR end if exit when b = 1 end loop end DrawO GameBoard DrawO delay (500) DrawO delay (500) DrawO delay (500) DrawO delay (500) DrawO delay (500) % COMPUTER % unt1, unt2, unt3, unt4, unt5, unt6, unt7, unt8, unt9 statements loop if (slct = 1) and unt1 = 0 then drawfilloval (367, 77, 25, 25, 10) unt1 := 1 elsif (slct = 2) and unt2 = 0 then drawfilloval (492, 77, 25, 25, 10) unt2 := 1 elsif (slct = 3) and unt3 = 0 then drawfilloval (617, 77, 25, 25, 10) unt3 := 1 elsif (slct = 4) and unt4 = 0 then drawfilloval (370, 192, 25, 25, 10) unt4 := 1 elsif (slct = 5) and unt5 = 0 then drawfilloval (492, 192, 25, 25, 10) unt5 := 1 elsif (slct = 6) and unt6 = 0 then drawfilloval (617, 192, 25, 25, 10) unt6 := 1 elsif (slct = 7) and unt7 = 0 then drawfilloval (377, 297, 25, 25, 10) unt7 := 1 elsif (slct = 8) and unt8 = 0 then drawfilloval (492, 297, 25, 25, 10) unt8 := 1 elsif (slct = 9) and unt9 = 0 then drawfilloval (617, 297, 25, 25, 10) unt9 := 1 end if %COMPUTER STRATS if AIslct = 0 then loop randint (AIslct, 1, 9) if AIslct = 1 and unt1 > 0 then AIslct := 0 elsif AIslct = 2 and unt2 > 0 then AIslct := 0 elsif AIslct = 3 and unt3 > 0 then AIslct := 0 elsif AIslct = 4 and unt4 > 0 then AIslct := 0 elsif AIslct = 5 and unt5 > 0 then AIslct := 0 elsif AIslct = 6 and unt6 > 0 then AIslct := 0 elsif AIslct = 7 and unt7 > 0 then AIslct := 0 elsif AIslct = 8 and unt8 > 0 then AIslct := 0 elsif AIslct = 9 and unt9 > 0 then AIslct := 0 end if exit when AIslct > 0 end loop end if if (AIslct = 1) and unt1 = 0 then drawfilloval (367, 77, 25, 25, red) unt1 := 2 elsif (AIslct = 2) and unt2 = 0 then drawfilloval (492, 77, 25, 25, red) unt2 := 2 elsif (AIslct = 3) and unt3 = 0 then drawfilloval (617, 77, 25, 25, red) unt3 := 2 elsif (AIslct = 4) and unt4 = 0 then drawfilloval (370, 192, 25, 25, red) unt4 := 2 elsif (AIslct = 5) and unt5 = 0 then drawfilloval (492, 192, 25, 25, red) unt5 := 2 elsif (AIslct = 6) and unt6 = 0 then drawfilloval (617, 192, 25, 25, red) unt6 := 2 elsif (AIslct = 7) and unt7 = 0 then drawfilloval (377, 297, 25, 25, red) unt7 := 2 elsif (AIslct = 8) and unt8 = 0 then drawfilloval (492, 297, 25, 25, red) unt8 := 2 elsif (AIslct = 9) and unt9 = 0 then drawfilloval (617, 297, 25, 25, red) unt9 := 2 end if AIslct := 0 end loop |
Author: | Insectoid [ Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:47 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:Tic Tac Toe AI HELP/CORRECTION |
I recommend looking into loops and functions before thinking about games at all- let alone AI. |
Author: | phillipsworld [ Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:35 am ] |
Post subject: | RE:Tic Tac Toe AI HELP/CORRECTION |
well thanks for the recommendation but this is a assignment for school... still looking for help |
Author: | mirhagk [ Fri Mar 04, 2011 8:04 am ] |
Post subject: | RE:Tic Tac Toe AI HELP/CORRECTION |
You really need to learn loops before you can really implement any sort of AI. There are many tutorials on this website describing loops, they are easy enough to understand, and very important. I very much doubt your school gave you an assignment to make a game before they told you about loops. |
Author: | Zren [ Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:10 pm ] | ||||||
Post subject: | Re: Tic Tac Toe AI HELP/CORRECTION | ||||||
If your lost, he meant these places specifically: - Turing Tutorials - The Turing Walkthrough - A vast collection of links to learning Turing for beginners (and intermediate) - Loops Tutorial The advantages of loops are that you can convert:
With that you can start with nested loops. Where you do a loop of a loop. Eg: I punched a friend 5 times for 10 days.
Now look at tic tac toe. It's a 3 by 3 grid right? Imagine printing the character X or O 3 times on one line, then for the second line... Tip: The following will print out asdfgh on the same line. put "asd" .. put "fgh" Oh, and just a little incentive to learning loops. If I remember right, someone submitted tic tac toe without using loops, and only using conditionals (if/else) for every single possibility. It was around 10 000 lines of code, probably more. With loops, you could probably do the barebones of a 2player tic tac toe match in 100 lines (without the AI) (minus the fancy graphics). |
Author: | Insectoid [ Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:29 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:Tic Tac Toe AI HELP/CORRECTION |
tic-tac-toe HAS been done in less than twenty lines, for the record. |
Author: | mirhagk [ Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:52 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:Tic Tac Toe AI HELP/CORRECTION |
COMPETITION!!!!!! Do 2 Player Tic-Tac-Toe in as few lines as possible EDIT: Rulez must prompt correct player for input, and then redraw the board every move (board may be text if you would like) Input must be two numbers, x and y coordinate |
Author: | Dante [ Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:05 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: RE:Tic Tac Toe AI HELP/CORRECTION |
Insectoid @ Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:29 pm wrote: tic-tac-toe HAS been done in less than twenty lines, for the record.
Woah, that seems pretty amazing. |
Author: | Sur_real [ Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:04 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:Tic Tac Toe AI HELP/CORRECTION |
technically you can fit everything onto one line ![]() |
Author: | Insectoid [ Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:06 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:Tic Tac Toe AI HELP/CORRECTION |
That's multiple lines of code put onto a single line in the editor. It's still hundreds of lines. |
Author: | Sur_real [ Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:06 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:Tic Tac Toe AI HELP/CORRECTION |
yeah that's why I said "technically" lol maybe try in the fewest number of characters/words possible rather than lines. |
Author: | Zren [ Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:23 am ] | ||
Post subject: | Re: RE:Tic Tac Toe AI HELP/CORRECTION | ||
Insectoid @ Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:29 pm wrote: tic-tac-toe HAS been done in less than twenty lines, for the record.
Got the link? mirhagk @ Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:52 pm wrote: COMPETITION!!!!!! Do 2 Player Tic-Tac-Toe in as few lines as possible
EDIT: Rulez must prompt correct player for input, and then redraw the board every move (board may be text if you would like) Input must be two numbers, x and y coordinate Challenge accepted!
Total: 30 lines Without comments/empty lines: 24 lines Without unnecessary lines: 20 lines You could probably go smaller by hacking it with that one technique (like the one used in that recent pong remake), but that's cheap man. Edit: This is probably not the place to post (almost) full answers.... >.> Ah well. The looping/exit logic could also probably be different with a non local variable for the turn and moving the endgame logic to the exit when statement. Meh. |
Author: | Insectoid [ Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:22 am ] |
Post subject: | RE:Tic Tac Toe AI HELP/CORRECTION |
Tony has outlined the best of the 20-line-or-less programs somewhere on his blog, though I can't find it. |
Author: | mirhagk [ Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:51 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:Tic Tac Toe AI HELP/CORRECTION |
I gave up with it when I realized turing doesn't treat strings and char arrays the same way (they are completely different in turing). Forgot I hate high level things sometimes. |