Computer Science Canada Character Graphics/Pixel Graphics Turing Commands |
Author: | Triple Five [ Thu Jan 08, 2004 11:30 am ] |
Post subject: | Character Graphics/Pixel Graphics Turing Commands |
This is my first tutorial and it is very basic for very new turing students who just started to learn this language.( Like ME! ) View.Set("graphics:x;y,nocursor")- nocursor will hide the cursor after last output, graphics:x;y- will set the screen to (x) pixels wide by (y)pixels high, and View.Set is the command needed Locate(x,y)- used to position cursor at row x and column y in character graphics mode. eg. locate(20,50) cls- clears the screen procedure to blank the screen color(number)- change the current active color number. eg. color(25) colorback(number)- change the current active background color number. eg.colorback(13) maxcolor- determines the number of available colors eg. put maxcolor delay(x)- delay the program for x intervals In Turing 4.0 View.Update refresh the screen and is much clearer than delay maxx- dertermines the maximum value of x in graphics mode maxy-determines the maximum value of y in graphics mode drawing commands -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- drawdot(x,y,c)- this draws a dot at location(x,y) and in color c eg. drawdot(200,150,7) drawline(x1,y1,x2,y2,c)- this will draw a line from(x1,y1) to (x2,y2) in color c eg. drawline(50,60,120,160,12) drawbox/drawfillbox(x1,y1,x2,y2,c)- this will draw a box from the bottom left corner(x1,y1) to upper right corner(x2,y2) in color c/ drawfillbox will draw a filled box with filling color as c eg. drawbox(100,100,200,150,45) drawfill(x,y,fillcolor,bordercolor)- colors in a closed figure with interior points x,y in color fillcolor with a border in color bordercolor eg. drawfill(101,101,20,50) drawoval/drawfilloval(x,y,xradius.yradius,c)- draws an oval with centre(x,y) and xradius and yradius in color c/ drawfilloval with fill in the oval with a color as c eg. drawoval(50,50,25,100,4) drawstar/drawfillstar(x1,y1,x2,y2,c)- draws a five pointed star bounded by bottom left corner(x1,y1) and upper right corner(x2,y2) in color c/drawfillstar will fill the star in with a color as c eg. drawstar(100,100,200,200,13) drawmapleleaf/drawfillmapleleaf(x1,y1,x2,y2,c)- draws a maple leaf bounded by a bottom left corner(x1,y1) and upper right corner(x2,y2) in color c/drawfillmapleleaf will fill in the maple leaf with a color as c eg. drawmapleleaf(50,50,200,200,16) drawarc/drawfillarc(x,y,xradius,yradius,initialAngle,finalAngle,c)- draws an arc whose centre is x,y starting point at initial angle and stoping angle an final angle in color c/drawfillarc will draw a filled arc eg.drawarc(100,130,200,250,202,101,01) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope that this will be usefull for newbie programmers and that people will use this as a guideline for pixel and graphic creations! sources- & Grade 10 compsci class |
Author: | Thuged_Out_G [ Thu Jan 08, 2004 3:07 pm ] |
Post subject: | |
good tutorial for n00bs...have some bits +BITS |