Ok fixed the color problem and added some stuff to make this complete.
Glowoval(object color,background color,glow color, fade radius, transition glow radius, in glow radius, intensity, object radius, x, y, x-radius factor, y-radius factor, manual glow check)
Object color: The color of the oval.
Background color: Color of background.
Glow color: The color you want your object to glow into.
Fade radius: The outer rim of oval, fades from object color to background color.
Transition glow radius: The length of pixels it takes for the object color to transition to the glow color.
In glow radius: Length in pixels of the radius of the inner "white".
Intensity: Transition between the glow color to white (the less this value is the more intense it will look).
Object radius: This is between the fade radius and transition glow radius. It is the length in pixels of pure object color.
x: x positioning.
y: y positioning.
x-radius factor, y-radius factor: Determines the stretch or compression factor of the oval (example:(1,2) would make the oval very tall).
Manual glow check: If left false, engine will automatically generate a glow color (whiter shade of the object color). (please note that even left false please enter a blank string for the glow color ).
Turing: |
setscreen ("graphics:600;600,nobuttonbar,title:Glow Effect")
colorback (black)
proc Glowoval (normal, back, glow : string, Bradius, glowradius, inradius, intenseradius, objectradius, xt, yt : int, xr, yr : real, glowcheck : boolean)
var RGBinter : array 1 .. 3 of real
var RGBinterglow : array 1 .. 3 of real
const inter : int := Bradius
const glowinter : int := glowradius
const width : int := inradius
const intens : int := intenseradius %NOTE:intensity must be smaller then width
const object : int := objectradius
var glowcolor : array 1 .. 3 of real
var startcolor : array 1 .. 3 of real
var backcolor : array 1 .. 3 of real
var x, y : int
x := xt
y := yt
startcolor (1) := strint (normal (2) + normal (3), 16) / 256
startcolor (2) := strint (normal (4) + normal (5), 16) / 256
startcolor (3) := strint (normal (6) + normal (7), 16) / 256
backcolor (1) := strint (back (2) + back (3), 16) / 256
backcolor (2) := strint (back (4) + back (5), 16) / 256
backcolor (3) := strint (back (6) + back (7), 16) / 256
if glowcheck = true then
glowcolor (1) := strint (glow (2) + glow (3), 16) / 256
glowcolor (2) := strint (glow (4) + glow (5), 16) / 256
glowcolor (3) := strint (glow (6) + glow (7), 16) / 256
glowcolor (1) := startcolor (1) + ((1 - startcolor (1)) * 0. 7)
glowcolor (2) := startcolor (2) + ((1 - startcolor (2)) * 0. 7)
glowcolor (3) := startcolor (3) + ((1 - startcolor (3)) * 0. 7)
end if
RGBinter (1) := (backcolor (1) - startcolor (1)) / inter
RGBinter (2) := (backcolor (2) - startcolor (2)) / inter
RGBinter (3) := (backcolor (3) - startcolor (3)) / inter
RGBinterglow (1) := (glowcolor (1) - startcolor (1)) / glowinter
RGBinterglow (2) := (glowcolor (2) - startcolor (2)) / glowinter
RGBinterglow (3) := (glowcolor (3) - startcolor (3)) / glowinter
for decreasing i : inter - 1 + glowinter + width + object .. glowinter + width + object
RGB.SetColor (1, startcolor (1) + ((i - glowinter - width - object ) * RGBinter (1)),
startcolor (2) + ((i - glowinter - width - object ) * RGBinter (2)),
startcolor (3) + ((i - glowinter - width - object ) * RGBinter (3)))
Draw.FillOval (x, y, i + round (i * xr ), i + round (i * yr ), 1)
end for
for decreasing i : glowinter + width - 1 .. width
RGB.SetColor (1, startcolor (1) + (((glowinter + width ) - i ) * RGBinterglow (1)),
startcolor (2) + ((glowinter + width ) - i ) * RGBinterglow (2),
startcolor (3) + ((glowinter + width ) - i ) * RGBinterglow (3))
Draw.FillOval (x, y, i + round (i * xr ), i + round (i * yr ), 1)
end for
for decreasing i : width - 1 .. width - intens
RGB.SetColor (1, glowcolor (1) + ((width - i ) * (1 - glowcolor (1)) / intens ),
glowcolor (2) + ((width - i ) * (1 - glowcolor (2)) / intens ),
glowcolor (3) + ((width - i ) * (1 - glowcolor (3)) / intens ))
Draw.FillOval (x, y, i + round (i * xr ), i + round (i * yr ), 1)
end for
end Glowoval
var mx, my, button : int
var r, g, b : int
var count : int := 0
var cc : int := 1
var colr : string
r := 255
g := 0
b := 0
count := count + 1
if count = 85 then
count := 1
cc := cc + 1
end if
if cc = 7 then
cc := 1
end if
if cc = 1 then
g := g + 3
elsif cc = 2 then
r := r - 3
elsif cc = 3 then
b := b + 3
elsif cc = 4 then
g := g - 3
elsif cc = 5 then
r := r + 3
elsif cc = 6 then
b := b - 3
end if
if r < 16 then
colr := "#" + "0" + intstr (r, 1, 16)
colr := "#" + intstr (r, 2, 16)
end if
if g < 16 then
colr := colr + "0" + intstr (g, 1, 16)
colr := colr + intstr (g, 2, 16)
end if
if b < 16 then
colr := colr + "0" + intstr (b, 1, 16)
colr := colr + intstr (b, 2, 16)
end if
button := Rand.Int (40, 50)
Glowoval (colr, "#000000", "#D1FFFF", ceil (button / 5), ceil (button * 0. 2), ceil (button * 0. 8), ceil (56 - (button )), 50 - ceil (button * 0. 4) - ceil (button * 0. 6), round (maxx /
round (maxy / 2), 1, 1, false)
delay (90)
end loop
%Glowoval ("#3DFFFF", "#000000", "#FFFFFF", 10, 10, 60, 2,0, round(maxx/2), round(maxy/2),1,1, true)
%Glowoval ("#3DFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#000000", 20, 25, 10, 0,0, round(maxx/2), round(maxy/2),1,1, true)
if you wanna check out the simple examples then comment out the main program and check the 2 examples towards the bottom of the program. |