Computer Science Canada

Functional points in softwear engineering

Author:  jamhussain2mcs [ Sun Nov 14, 2010 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Functional points in softwear engineering

You are required to do Function Point Analysis for the case study given below. This is a real world example of FP Analysis. This will give you hand on experience of performing FP Analysis.

Described below is a description of a small system, a Book shop system.

The following information is maintained by the system
Book details- Book id, Book title, number of copies
Members details- member id, name, address, phone, overdue fines
Rental details- Book id, copy number, member id, return date
The software system needs to provide the following functionality:
to add, change and delete Books from the system
to add, change and delete members? information
to make inquiries on Books using either Book id or Book title
to make inquiries on members
to provide a report of the Books in stock
to provide a report of the members overdue fines

For this problem, do the following:

a) Identify all ILFs, EIFs, DETs, EIs, EOs, and EQs and calculate their complexities.
b) Calculate the unadjusted FP count for the application.
