Computer Science Canada Now A Published Poet!! |
Author: | Tallguy [ Sat Sep 18, 2010 5:25 pm ] |
Post subject: | Now A Published Poet!! |
Hello fellow Canadians. Over the past few months I have posted asking for your guys help for a tittle for my upcoming book, GOOD NEWS - I AM NOW PUBLISHED!!! My book is entitled 'Different Shades of Grey' and is for sale, currently only online due to the fact that no major book seller wants a no-name Canadian poet on their shelves. Try this search 'different shades of grey' on, check me out. I'm also on FB page called 'AV Poetry' I am Alex van der Mout, lets break down the stereotypes..... |
Author: | Tony [ Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:28 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:Now A Published Poet!! |
I was pretty excited to see that there was Kindle version available, but the sample includes just a few pages of copyright/legal stuff + table of contents, and no actual content. That was kind of a letdown. I'm often curious about new-author/publisher interactions. How did you find your experience to be? (Finding a publisher, interactions, costs, what kind of things they do for you) |
Author: | Amailer [ Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:19 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:Now A Published Poet!! |
Congratz! I too would like to know how you started/ended up getting published. |
Author: | Tallguy [ Sat Sep 18, 2010 8:54 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Now A Published Poet!! |
Its a publishing house based in the USA. I actually just googled publishing houses lol. I got published in a kinda weird way, there are traditionally two ways 1- self-publishing where you pay for everything, have say over every thing, but it cost a lot 2- traditionally-publishing where you 'give' up all rights to your book, costs you nothing but you make very little royalties from your work - then what i did, was a hybrid of the two, I paid a little bit, so it got customized to what I wanted, but they had a say as while, but i make more royalties per book. So I found the company thanks to google, phoned up the company and things juts went from there. My consultant was awsome and i would recommend them, the only down fall is they only do online marketing, and if you do well a big publishing house may sign you on, but its hard to get your work out there. For a better sample, check out my web-site <>, it just a few up SUPPORT CANADIAN POETS!!!! (go on, check me out...) |