Computer Science Canada

When to Apply

Author:  GSP [ Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  When to Apply

I want to take computer engineering at hopefully University of Toronto (SG/SC) or Waterloo, or where ever I get accepted and I'm wondering when the best time
to apply is with a schedule like this.

I'm currently in 12th grade and I have not taken grade 11 chemistry.

First Semester:
Advanced Functions
World Issues (My 6th university credit, I would have taken ICS4U, but unfortunately it did not run at my school)
and e-Learning Grade 11 Chemistry (Online)

Second Semester:
Calculus and Vectors
Computer Engineering
Grade 12 Chemistry

Schedule is pretty much set, I doubt I could change anything up without sacrificing taking a prerequisite for computer engineering in summer school next year.
I would prefer to take all my courses needed for University in regular school, and I would like to have my lunch or spares at first or last period as an hour and a half break
during the day does not seem like a good use of time for me especially with work.

I understand that students can apply early or later but I want to know when the best time to apply would be.
If I do really good in my first semester (90's+) would it be possible to apply to university without starting my second semester yet (as I have not finished all the
high school prerequisites yet) or should I wait till midterm of 2nd semester?

All opinions/answers or experiences would be helpful.

Author:  Kharybdis [ Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:When to Apply

Yes, in general. You have to apply during your first semester anyways :/ If you get even 80+ in everything, you're bound to get in. Just make sure your calculus mark and your english mark are as high as they can be.

The best time to apply would be during your first semester. There's no point in waiting..

Author:  Bored [ Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When to Apply

Apply ASAP, because you can't get early acceptance with a late application, but an early application will continue to be in system for each round of the schools acceptance. Basically there is NO reason to wait till later as they keep your application even if they don't accept you in the first round.
