Computer Science Canada

Fast Input/Output in Java

Author:  Helldemon80 [ Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Fast Input/Output in Java


Currently i am using the Java 5.0 and I am using the Scanner Class for input. I was just wondering if there is a faster input and also output that will speed up compiling times and if,
can you show or provide a tutorial for it.


Author:  chrisbrown [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Fast Input/Output in Java

Most Java libraries are fairly optimized. If the Scanner suits your needs, stick with it, because it does a lot of work for you.

If you are reading/writing from a file, a BufferedReader/BufferedWriter may be what you're looking for. There are plenty of tutorials available.

To improve compile times, avoid including entire packages, e.g. import javax.swing.JFrame; rather than import javax.swing.*;

Author:  DemonWasp [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Fast Input/Output in Java

To speed up compile times, limit your imports as chrisbrown suggests.

To speed up your use of Scanner (assuming you're reading from a file), use a BufferedReader. Example:

Scanner in = new Scanner ( new BufferedReader ( new FileReader ( "myfile.txt" ) ) );
