Computer Science Canada

Word Search

Author:  shorthair [ Wed Dec 17, 2003 12:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Word Search

My program is very in depth , you enter the 10 words of choice and not only does it place them randomly , it detect if the word does not fit on the grid and if it does not then it will not place the word , also it detects collision of words , so that words will only collide if they share a common letter.

This was a class assignment , it took me about 2 weeks to complete fully.
Enjoy the Game

Author:  Dan [ Wed Dec 17, 2003 6:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

nice, i like how it puts words verical, horzial and slanty. some cool things to add whould be an option to print it out on a loacl printer or save it to a file also to allow the user to slect how many words they whont to put in whould be nice.

good progame have some bits++
