Computer Science Canada

Fractal Viewer/Generator app

Author:  Geniis [ Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Fractal Viewer/Generator app

Well heres a fractal viewer i made. It includes julia and mandelbrot fractals.

The controls are :

m : switch to mandelbrot mode

j : switch to julia mode

c : when in julia mode, set the c constant (default 0.285 + 0.012i)

d : changes the depth of the rendered fractal (default 255, higher number = more detail)

q : quit

1 - 9 : set the degree of the fractal to be generated (default 2)

mouse :
-right click : return to standard zoom

-left click and drag : creates a zoom box. when released the screen will zoom in to that box.

if theres any problems just let me know and ill fix them.
