Computer Science Canada

Staff Updates and a Sneak Peek

Author:  Dan [ Sun Dec 07, 2003 2:29 am ]
Post subject:  Staff Updates and a Sneak Peek

We have changed some of the mods around a bit on the site. Some of our old mods are retired or are paling on coming back in a year or so. In the mean time we have got some new members of the team:

    Homer_simpson is now the VB mod and will be helping to keep order in the VB related forums.

    dodge_tomahawk is now the spam mod (or as he likes to call him self "The whatdotcolor Warrior"). He has power over the spam forum so he can further his spamming cause.

We are still thinking of adding some mods for some of the lesser used forums in the site and are also paling some new changes and programs for

Here a sneak peek at what you may be seeing in to upcoming months:

    A new section intiled "The Dark Side" Twisted Evil

    A IRC server, where any one can set up there own channel.

    Upgrades to the quiz software to have more then one question and some other cool stuff.

    The Computing Challenge for high school students.

    And lots more fun stuff Razz

P.S. Check out the new quiz for this week, it is harder then last and about Turing.
