Computer Science Canada

Math quiz program

Author:  kznavy [ Thu Feb 11, 2010 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Math quiz program

What is it you are trying to achieve?
Create a program that tests you with basic arithmetic (addition & subtraction). It will give you the option of how many questions, difficulty, and the operatino (addition or subtraction)

What is the problem you are having?
I am getting "syntax errors" (i do not know why because end is spelled right :S) also i do not know how to put the user back to the beginning after they are done (y/n question maybe)

Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
Everything I currently know

Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
setscreen ("graphics:600;600")
var nq,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,x,y,o,add,sub,s,user : int
add := +
sub := -
s := 0
var dif,correct,wrong : string
correct := "*CORRECT*"
wrong := "-WRONG-"

randint (n1,1,5)
randint (n2,5,10)

randint (n3,10,15)
randint (n4,15,20)

randint (n5,20,25)
randint (n6,25,30)

Text.LocateXY (200,600)

Text.LocateXY (0,550)
put "How many questions would you like?"
get nq
put "What difficulty would you like? (easy,medium,hard)"
get dif

if dif = "easy" then
x := n1
y := n2

end if
if dif = "medium" then
x := n3
y := n4

end if
if dif = "hard" then
x := n5
y := n6

Text.LocateXY (0,500)
put "What operation would you like to practice? (add = 1,sub = 0)"
get o

if o = 1 then
o := add
s := +
end if

if o = 0 then
o := sub
s := -
end if

put "let's begin"
put y,s,x
get user
if user = y,s,x then
put correct
put wrong
end if

exit when nq = nq
end loop


Please specify what version of Turing you are using

Author:  Zren [ Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Math quiz program

Take all your code, ident it. And look at the last line of code. It shouldn't be indented (meaning you forgot a closing end __ somewhere).

Hint: The syntax error is being called since it's attempting to close a statement of a different type. Like so:

end if

Author:  kznavy [ Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Math quiz program

how do i ident D:

Author:  Zren [ Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Math quiz program

F2 or click the big grey button---v
[Run] [Pause] [Open] [Save] [Indent]

Oh man there's more once you finish that...

get o
Returns a string so your if conditions would need to be "1" instead of 1.

sub := -
What's your logic with this? Positive or Negative? Integers require a number, not an operator or range ie. (-infinity, 0) or (0, inifinity) aka Negative or Postive.

if user = y, s, x then
This won't work because of the above. It also isn't a boolean comparison to begin with. Both sides of the comparison must be numbers, the comma is used to join strings together. Though it isn't even usable inside an if statement either. Basically you need to do this mathematically.

Here's a hint how you could posibly salvage your code though.

y + (1)*x
= y + 1x
= y + x

y + (-1)*x
= y + -1x
= y - x

Author:  Turing_Gamer [ Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Math quiz program

If you want, you can have random equations like so...

for i : 1 .. 10
    put "Question " + intstr (i)
    Num1 := Rand.Int (1, 50)
    Num2 := Rand.Int (1, 50)
    equation := Rand.Int (1, 2)
    if equation = 1 then
         symbol := +
         symbol := -
    end if
    put Num1 + " " + symbol + " " + Num2 + " ="
    get reply
    %Boolean logic determining if  operation match reply then correct, else incorrect
    %Reset code
end for

This isn't a correct way to do it, just a hint of what to do.

Author:  kznavy [ Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Math quiz program

Can i get THE correct way to do it, i am confused =_=

Author:  Zren [ Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Math quiz program

Did you find the missing end __ statement? And if so, post your updated code.

Author:  kznavy [ Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Math quiz program

Alright i got it
now i have another problem: It will not run the questions the number of times the user inputs. It will only run 1 question and end after it is answered.

setscreen ("graphics:600;600")
var nq, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, x, y, o, user, ccounter, wcounter,counter : int
nq := 0
ccounter := 0
wcounter := 0
counter := 0

var dif, correct, wrong : string
correct := "*CORRECT*"
wrong := "-WRONG-"

randint (n1, 1, 5)
randint (n2, 5, 10)

randint (n3, 10, 20)
randint (n4, 15, 25)

randint (n5, 20, 40)
randint (n6, 25, 45)

Text.LocateXY (200, 600)

put "How many questions would you like?"
get nq

counter += 1
Text.LocateXY (0, 550)

put "What difficulty would you like? (easy,medium,hard)"
get dif

if dif = "easy" then
x := n1
y := n2

end if
if dif = "medium" then
x := n3
y := n4

end if
if dif = "hard" then
x := n5
y := n6
end if

Text.LocateXY (0, 500)
put "What operation would you like to practice? (add = 1,sub = 0,multi = 2)"
get o

if o = 1 then
Text.LocateXY (0, 400)
put "[ADDITION] Please complete"
put x, " + ", y
get user
if user = x + y then
put correct
ccounter := ccounter + 1
put wrong
wcounter := wcounter + 1
exit when counter = nq
end if
end if

if o = 0 then
Text.LocateXY (0, 400)
put "[SUBTRACTION] Please complete"
put y, " - ", x
get user
if user = y - x then
put correct
ccounter := ccounter + 1
put wrong
wcounter := wcounter + 1
put counter
exit when counter = nq

end if
end if

Text.LocateXY (300, 300)
put ccounter
Text.LocateXY (300, 250)
put wcounter

end loop

Author:  TerranceN [ Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Math quiz program

Are you SURE it ends?

It is actually asking the user what difficulty they would like again, but it did not clear what was there before, so its hard to see that it is waiting for input. In fact, if your user's last question is correct then it goes on forever.

Author:  SNIPERDUDE [ Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Math quiz program

For future reference, syntax highlighting for code makes it easy to read.

[syntax="Turing"] % code here . . . [/syntax]

Author:  kznavy [ Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Math quiz program


setscreen ("graphics:600;600")
var nq, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, x, y, o, user, ccounter, wcounter,counter : int
nq := 0
ccounter := 0
wcounter := 0
counter := 0

var dif, correct, wrong : string
correct := "*CORRECT*"
wrong := "-WRONG-"

randint (n1, 1, 5)
randint (n2, 5, 10)

randint (n3, 10, 20)
randint (n4, 15, 25)

randint (n5, 20, 40)
randint (n6, 25, 45)

Text.LocateXY (200, 600)

put "How many questions would you like?"
get nq

counter += 1
Text.LocateXY (0, 550)

put "What difficulty would you like? (easy,medium,hard)"
get dif

if dif = "easy" then
x := n1
y := n2

end if
if dif = "medium" then
x := n3
y := n4

end if
if dif = "hard" then
x := n5
y := n6
end if

Text.LocateXY (0, 500)
put "What operation would you like to practice? (add = 1,sub = 0,multi = 2)"
get o

if o = 1 then
Text.LocateXY (0, 400)
put "[ADDITION] Please complete"
put x, " + ", y
get user
if user = x + y then
put correct
ccounter := ccounter + 1
put wrong
wcounter := wcounter + 1
exit when counter = nq
end if
end if

if o = 0 then
Text.LocateXY (0, 400)
put "[SUBTRACTION] Please complete"
put y, " - ", x
get user
if user = y - x then
put correct
ccounter := ccounter + 1
put wrong
wcounter := wcounter + 1
put counter
exit when counter = nq

end if
end if

Text.LocateXY (300, 300)
put ccounter
Text.LocateXY (300, 250)
put wcounter

end loo

Author:  SNIPERDUDE [ Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Math quiz program

The best way to make it readible is to indent each block of code accordingly. Although this can be done in Turing with the tab key, you'd have to do it manually here using the space key (1 tab indent = 4 spaces [typically]). This way, it is easy to determine whether we are closing blocks properly or not.

setscreen ("graphics:600;600")
var nq, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, x, y, o, user, ccounter, wcounter,counter : int := 0

var dif, correct, wrong : string
correct := "*CORRECT*"
wrong := "-WRONG-"

randint (n1, 1, 5)
randint (n2, 5, 10)

randint (n3, 10, 20)
randint (n4, 15, 25)

randint (n5, 20, 40)
randint (n6, 25, 45)

Text.LocateXY (200, 600)

put "How many questions would you like?"
get nq

    counter += 1
    Text.LocateXY (0, 550)

    put "What difficulty would you like? (easy,medium,hard)"
    get dif

    if dif = "easy" then
        x := n1
        y := n2
    elsif dif = "medium" then
        x := n3
        y := n4
    elsif dif = "hard" then
        x := n5
        y := n6
    end if

    Text.LocateXY (0, 500)
    put "What operation would you like to practice? (add = 1,sub = 0,multi = 2)"
    get o

    if o = 1 then
        Text.LocateXY (0, 400)
        put "[ADDITION] Please complete"
        put x, " + ", y
        get user

        if user = x + y then
            put correct
            ccounter := ccounter + 1
            put wrong
            wcounter := wcounter + 1
            exit when counter = nq
        end if
    end if

    if o = 0 then
        Text.LocateXY (0, 400)
        put "[SUBTRACTION] Please complete"
        put y, " - ", x
        get user

        if user = y - x then
            put correct
            ccounter := ccounter + 1
            put wrong
            wcounter := wcounter + 1
            put counter
            exit when counter = nq
        end if
    end if

    Text.LocateXY (300, 300)
    put ccounter
    Text.LocateXY (300, 250)
    put wcounter
end loop

Author:  kznavy [ Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Math quiz program


setscreen ("graphics:600;600")
var nq, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, x, y, o, user, ccounter, wcounter,counter : int
nq := 0
ccounter := 0
wcounter := 0
counter := 0

var dif, correct, wrong : string
correct := "*CORRECT*"
wrong := "-WRONG-"

randint (n1, 1, 5)
randint (n2, 5, 10)

randint (n3, 10, 20)
randint (n4, 15, 25)

randint (n5, 20, 40)
randint (n6, 25, 45)

Text.LocateXY (200, 600)

put "How many questions would you like?"
get nq

counter += 1
Text.LocateXY (0, 550)

put "What difficulty would you like? (easy,medium,hard)"
get dif

if dif = "easy" then
x := n1
y := n2

end if
if dif = "medium" then
x := n3
y := n4

end if
if dif = "hard" then
x := n5
y := n6
end if

Text.LocateXY (0, 500)
put "What operation would you like to practice? (add = 1,sub = 0,multi = 2)"
get o

if o = 1 then
Text.LocateXY (0, 400)
put "[ADDITION] Please complete"
put x, " + ", y
get user
if user = x + y then
put correct
ccounter := ccounter + 1
put wrong
wcounter := wcounter + 1
exit when counter = nq
end if
end if

if o = 0 then
Text.LocateXY (0, 400)
put "[SUBTRACTION] Please complete"
put y, " - ", x
get user
if user = y - x then
put correct
ccounter := ccounter + 1
put wrong
wcounter := wcounter + 1
put counter
exit when counter = nq

end if
end if

Text.LocateXY (300, 300)
put ccounter
Text.LocateXY (300, 250)
put wcounter

end loop

Author:  ProgrammingFun [ Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Math quiz program

mods could you please add syntax tags to this
thanks Very Happy

There is a crazy glitch in your program in hard multiplication
You should check it out

Next time you program, comment more to help yourself and those helping you.
This program is very inefficient and glitchy.

You should improve on this and maybe add GUI

Author:  kznavy [ Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Math quiz program

Sorry guys, i am very new to ruing (-1 week)
I need some guidlines @.@

Author:  SNIPERDUDE [ Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Math quiz program

May I present, The Turing Walkthrough.

Author:  Turing_Gamer [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Math quiz program

Why not go to my computer engineering teacher's web site and do the tutorials. Click me

The tutorials include:
- Turing
- Java
- Python
- Electronics

Tasks included

Author:  Prince Pwn [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Math quiz program

Before you post your code, in Turing press F2 to auto-indent. Also, check out other posts on the forums for tutorials and view source code in the submissions section and study how they work. Also, check out the above teachers website and you can also check out my old teachers site: Google Chrome points out a warning and I e-mailed him about it but his site is safe.
