Remember all those awesome sprites in RPG maker that we all used and are all over the web, wouldn't it be awesome to use those in your game?? well this program takes a sprite file and converts it into picture files for you. Put the picture into a folder called "raw" in the same folder, and create another folder with the main program called "done". It will take a pic out of raw and put it finished into a folder called its picture name within done.
it works pretty well, could be improved a bit but it's very useful nonetheless
Turing: |
var win := Window.Open ("graphics:500;500,nobuttonbar")
var pic : int
var picname : string
var width : int
var height : int
var picsample : int
var name : string
var dir := "left"
var num := 1
put "Please enter the name of the picture you would like split:"
get picname
pic := Pic.FileNew ("raw/" + picname )
width := ((Pic.Width (pic ) div 12) * 3)
height := ((Pic.Height (pic ) div 8) * 3) - 1
pic := Pic.Scale (pic, Pic.Width (pic ) * 3, Pic.Height (pic ) * 3)
Pic.Draw (pic, 0, 0, picMerge)
put "Press any key to start cutting out pieces:" ..
for Y : 1 .. 2
for X : 1 .. 4
Pic.Draw (pic, (-width * 3 * (X - 1)), (-height * 4 * (Y - 1)) + 1, picMerge)
Pic.ScreenSave (0, 0, width, height, "temp.bmp")
picsample := Pic.FileNew ("temp.bmp")
Pic.Draw (picsample, 0, 0, picMerge)
put "What is this character called?:"
get name
Dir.Create ("done/" + name )
Pic.Save (picsample, "done/" + name + "/" + name + dir + intstr (num ) + ".bmp")
for y : 1 .. 4
if y = 1 then
dir := 'left'
elsif y = 2 then
dir := 'down'
elsif y = 3 then
dir := 'right'
dir := 'up'
end if
for x : 1 .. 3
put "Piece complete press any key to continue:" ..
Pic.Draw (pic, -width * 3 * (X - 1) - width * (x - 1), -height * 4 * (Y - 1) - height * (y - 1), picMerge)
Pic.ScreenSave (0, 0, width, height, "done/" + name + "/" + name + dir + intstr (x ) + ".bmp")
picsample := Pic.FileNew ("done/" + name + "/" + name + dir + intstr (x ) + ".bmp")
Pic.Draw (picsample, 0, 0, picMerge)
end for
end for
end for
end for
put "Everything is finished," ..
delay (200)
put " press any key to quit:" ..
Window.Close (win )