Computer Science Canada

List of Turing Colours

Author:  AlexH [ Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  List of Turing Colours

This Program will help you with your design because it displays the Turing colour spectrum + the number the colour is.


Author:  mirhagk [ Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:List of Turing Colours

I better version of this program would probably be


for i : 1 .. maxcolour
    colourback (i)
    put i, "  " ..
end for

something I'm sure any programmer worth his salt already has.

i dont mean to put down your work or anything, im just trying to improve it a bit (i write the above piece of code at least 10 times a day, cuz its too short to warrant actually saving it.

oh and you should probably just post the code if its short like that. (not upload it)
