Computer Science Canada Grade 11 Pong Game |
Author: | HighschoolGuy [ Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:05 am ] |
Post subject: | Grade 11 Pong Game |
%This is my first attempt at writing a game. %Version 1.0 %Author Justin Moen %Datel; November 10th, 2009 %************************************************************************************** %This is where i'll declare any global variables. var fname : string := "Guest" var answer : string (1) var movepaddle : int := 165 var font := Font.New ("serif:12:bold") var font1 := Font.New ("serif:12:italic") %this will change font face, size and display, it also displays font as a pixel graphic. var x : int := 70 %This is the x variable where the ball is served from. var y : int := 175 % This is the y value the ball is served from. var dx, dy : int := 1 var score : int := 0 %this is our hit counter var getKey : array char of boolean View.Set ("offscreenonly") %************************************************************************************* %My first task is to draw the court. %The thing i need to remember is the screen size is 640x480, with 0,0 at the bottom left hand corner. %My instruction screen. procedure drawcourt cls %locatexy (2,25) %this locates the pixelon an x,y basis Font.Draw ("Welcome to Pong 1.0", 230, 385, font, black) % (text to display,xpl,ypl, font var, color) locate (3, 12) Font.Draw ("The up & down arrow control the paddle movement.", 165, 355, font1, black) locate (1, 60) put fname, "'s hits: " %need to add the score counter later need to declare variables %court drawfillbox (50, 5, 600, 350, black) %lines drawfillbox (590, 10, 595, 345, white) drawfillbox (55, 10, 590, 15, white) drawfillbox (55, 340, 595, 345, white) drawfillbox (320, 15, 323, 340, grey) end drawcourt %********************************************************************************* process moveball randint (y, 20, 280) randint (x, 320, 325) locatexy (x, y) drawfilloval (x, y, 5, 5, yellow) loop delay (3) %this controls the ball bouncing off of the top wall if y >= 338 then dy := -dy %This controls the bouncing off the back wall elsif x >= 588 then dx := -dx %this controls the ball bouncing off the south wall elsif y <= 17 then dy := -dy elsif y >= movepaddle - 2 and y <= movepaddle + 50 and x <= 72 then dx := -dx score := score + 1 locate (1, 76) put score elsif x <= 55 then drawfilloval (x, y, 5, 5, black) score := 0 locate (1, 76) put score randint (y, 20, 280) randint (x, 320, 325) delay (500) drawfilloval (x, y, 5, 5, black) View.Update end if drawfilloval (x, y, 5, 5, yellow) drawfilloval (x, y, 5, 5, black) x := x + dx y := y + dy drawfilloval (x, y, 5, 5, yellow) View.Update %if score =5 then %dx:=dx+1 %dy:=dy %end if end loop end moveball %paddles procedure drawpaddleup (clr : string) drawfillbox (60, movepaddle, 65, movepaddle + 50, black) movepaddle += 1 drawfillbox (60, movepaddle, 65, movepaddle + 50, white) View.Update end drawpaddleup procedure drawpaddledown (clr : string) drawfillbox (60, movepaddle, 65, movepaddle + 50, black) movepaddle += -1 drawfillbox (60, movepaddle, 65, movepaddle + 50, white) View.Update end drawpaddledown %procedure collects keyboard input abd noves the paddle procedure slidepaddle drawpaddleup ("white") loop Input.KeyDown (getKey) if getKey (KEY_UP_ARROW) then drawpaddleup ("white") delay (3) end if if getKey (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then drawpaddledown ("white") delay (3) end if drawfillbox (590, 10, 595, 345, white) drawfillbox (55, 10, 590, 15, white) drawfillbox (55, 340, 595, 345, white) drawfillbox (320, 15, 323, 340, grey) if (movepaddle <= 16) then movepaddle := 16 elsif (movepaddle >= 289) then movepaddle := 289 end if end loop end slidepaddle procedure exitgame cls locate (13, 25) put "Good bye." end exitgame %************************************************************************************** locate (12, 20) %For text 25 rows and 80 columns. procedure opening View.Set ("nooffscreenonly") put "Welcome to my first Pong 1.0 Game. " locate (13, 20) put "Would you like to play?" locate (14, 20) locate (15, 20) put "Please answer Y or N. " .. get answer if answer = "y" then locate (17, 20) put "Welcome, what is your name? " .. get fname delay (50) cls put "Welcome to the game, ", fname View.Set ("offscreenonly,title:Pong 1.0.1,nobuttonbar,graphics:800;600") drawfillbox (0, 0, 200, 30, blue) drawfillbox (5, 5, 195, 25, white) var x : int := 0 loop x := x + 1 drawfillbox (4 + x, 5, 5, 25, red) exit when x = 191 delay (10) View.Update end loop delay (1000) drawcourt elsif answer = "n" then put "Maybe next time, good bye." exitgame end if end opening %Game call procedures ***************************************************************** opening drawcourt fork moveball slidepaddle |
Author: | apomb [ Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:38 am ] |
Post subject: | RE:Grade 11 Pong Game |
Errily similar to |
Author: | Khary [ Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:59 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:Grade 11 Pong Game |
wow, you're right apomb.. |
Author: | andrew. [ Thu Dec 03, 2009 5:23 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:Grade 11 Pong Game |
Plagiarism? Highschoolguy, if you did copy the code or use it as a base, you should at least give credit to the original creator. |
Author: | DtY [ Thu Dec 03, 2009 6:37 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:Grade 11 Pong Game |
Hmmm? It's weird that they were posted within five minutes of each other too |
Author: | andrew. [ Thu Dec 03, 2009 6:54 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:Grade 11 Pong Game |
Hey DtY, what program is that? I want it! Oh BTW, you blanked out your name on the first part of the window, but you forgot to blank it out on the right side. |
Author: | DtY [ Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:10 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:Grade 11 Pong Game |
Thanks for pointing that out! The program's called FileMerge, it comes with the Apple developer tools, it's in /Developer/Applications/Utilities [edit] In my last post, it said "hmm?" that question mark should have actually benn . . ., which Mac automatically converted to an ellipsis, which seems to have automatically converted to a question mark. (Or maybe I wasn't paying attention and actually typed ?) |
Author: | HighschoolGuy [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:56 am ] |
Post subject: | RE:Grade 11 Pong Game |
The reason both posts seem the same is because were both from the same class, and i wouldn't have been the one to plagiarize anyways, mine was posted first. |
Author: | apomb [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:05 am ] |
Post subject: | RE:Grade 11 Pong Game |
same class yet one was "grade 12 blah blah" and yours is "grade 11 blah blah" ... oh, and if you get rid of the whitespace and use filemerge again, there are only 41 differences. |
Author: | Zren [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:34 am ] |
Post subject: | RE:Grade 11 Pong Game |
With that much commenting. I'm sure the teacher must have instructed most of the code. Big whoop honestly since in the end, it's still Pong. Which bring me to the fact that the ball ate my paddle. Until I moved it again, it disappeared. Just thought you'd like to know. |
Author: | HighschoolGuy [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:35 am ] |
Post subject: | RE:Grade 11 Pong Game |
Im serious, it's a combined Grade 11 & 12 class, don't be so nieve. |