Computer Science Canada

better bouncing balls

Author:  lufthansa747 [ Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  better bouncing balls

View.Set ("graphics:max;max,offscreenonly,nobuttonbar")
const numBall : int := 500

class ball

export startUp, drawBall
var x : int := maxx div 2
var y : int := maxy div 2
var radius : int := 10
var xint, yint : int := 5
var upState, sideState : int := -1

procedure startUp (initside, initup : int)
upState := initup
sideState := initside
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
Draw.FillOval (x, y, radius, radius, white)
end startUp

procedure drawBall ()
if x - xint <= 0 and sideState < 0 then %Check left wall
sideState := -sideState
end if
if x + xint >= maxx and sideState > 0 then % check right wall
sideState := -sideState
end if
if y + yint >= maxy and upState > 0 then %check top wall
upState := -upState
end if
if y - yint <= 0 and upState < 0 then % check bottom wall
upState := -upState
end if
Draw.FillOval (x, y, radius, radius, black)
x += xint * sideState
y += yint * upState
Draw.FillOval (x, y, radius, radius, white)
end drawBall
end ball

var balls : array 1 .. numBall of pointer to ball
var randl : int := -5
var randh : int := 5

for i : 1 .. numBall
new ball, balls (i)
balls (i) -> startUp (Rand.Int (randl, randh), Rand.Int (randl, randh))
end for

for i : 1 .. numBall
balls (i) -> drawBall ()
end for
end loop

you can change the amount of balls and how fast they move buy changing the array size and chaning the randl and randh but -5 and 5 look the coolest
