Computer Science Canada

Amazing Ubuntu Tutorials - For Beguines To Well Seasoned Pros

Author:  WOIKeller [ Sun May 31, 2009 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Amazing Ubuntu Tutorials - For Beguines To Well Seasoned Pros

For many who are new to Linux, taking the first step into it is the hardest. Especially those who believe all of the media bashing from both Mac and Windows. To help with this I have found a wonderful online tutorial that covers everything about Ubuntu Lunux. I have read most of it and it has thought me many things even I didn't know about it. I am attaching the link for any interested. I believe it should help those who sit on the fence about switching or at least finally trying a dual-boot at the least.

Ubuntu Help:


(I know the URLs say .jpg but that's the actual link no joke.)
