Computer Science Canada

Paint Program w/ Crude Layers Feature

Author:  OneTwo [ Mon May 25, 2009 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Paint Program w/ Crude Layers Feature

Hey, this is an old paint program, for comp. eng, that I never got back to and recently I felt like implementing a crude layers feature. However, it only supports 2 layers (Well 3, due to bugs). So, I just wanted to post this for anyone, use whatever code if you want.(if you could actually read the messy code).

-Pencil, Pen, Brush, Replace, Eraser, Scrap Tools
-42 Colours
-Primitive Layers, Import, Export (Imp./Exp. aren't very user friendly)
-A semi-nice GUI?

Import/export Commands:
dir - lists the current directory
exit - exit the import/export
import <filename.extension>
export <filename.extension>

Extra Notes:
-The program will create three files where the the program is stored, layer1.bmp, layer2.bmp, temp.bmp, upon running.
-To access layers, press option > press the layers > then click in the drawing area > the layers will appear, however this must be done after drawing so that the "DRAW HERE" is gone.
-Then press layer 1, draw something, then press layer2 draw something. Draw with different colours so you 'll see that the layers do work.
-Layers do not have any indication which one is selected

-Program does crash during the time I was testing the layers feature, though very rarely

If you have any questions about anything here, feel free to ask.

Author:  DanTheMan [ Tue May 26, 2009 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Paint Program w/ Crude Layers Feature

This is really cool! There is major lag when dragging the tools, but overall quite nice!

Author:  BigBear [ Tue May 26, 2009 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Paint Program w/ Crude Layers Feature

Why do you have a click to continue screen when it takes a while to load just start right in the program.

Also why don't you continue to work on this?

Author:  OneTwo [ Tue May 26, 2009 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Paint Program w/ Crude Layers Feature

Thanks : )

Oh, it was a run once program for comp. eng. class that I have, so I decided to ease in the program. As for continuing to work on it, maybe in the future i'll completely implement everything that I wanted but for now my interest is elsewhere mainly my exams that's comming up.
