I did this once. To eliminate the 'dots' that get left over from drawing over the letters, I drew over them 5 times with a for loop, though there are still a few dots left over. Draw.FillBox should work fine. Here is my rather lengthy text field used in my Blackjack game.
Turing: |
%gets the bet graphically, using Font.Draw because it looks cooler.
var betString : string %the entire bet, as a string.
var betInput : string (1) %the 1 character bet input, as a string
var counter : int %holds the current posittion of the 'curser'
loop %This loop checks if the bet is above 0 and below the player's cash limit
loop %This loop checks if the bet contains only numbers
betString := "" %nothing is input yet
counter := 0 %curser is at '0'
Font.Draw ("Enter your bet: $", 101, 16, textfont, yellow)
Font.Draw ("Enter your bet: $", 100, 15, textfont, brightred)
getch (betInput ) %gets a character to add to the bet
fork playSound (click )
exit when betInput = (KEY_ENTER )
%This 'if' allows the backspace key to be used
if betInput = (KEY_DELETE ) or betInput = (KEY_BACKSPACE ) then
if counter > 0 then
%Draws a character on top of itself to erase character from screen.
%Turing doesn't seem to draw every pixel, so it is 'erased' 8 times to fully erase character.
for x : 1 .. 8
Font.Draw (betString (*), 221 + counter, 16, textfont, green)
Font.Draw (betString (*), 220 + counter, 15, textfont, green)
end for
%move the curser back a space
counter - = 12
betString := betString (1 .. * - 1) %remove previous character from bet
end if
%move curser forward
counter + = 12
betString + = betInput %add input to bet
Font.Draw (betInput, 221 + counter, 16, textfont, yellow) %draw the character
Font.Draw (betInput, 220 + counter, 15, textfont, brightred)
end if
end loop
exit when strrealok (betString ) %check if bet only contains numbers
%fork playSound (invalid) %This line causes Turing to crash in Crossover
Font.Draw ("Invalid Bet", 101, 3, textfont, yellow)
Font.Draw ("Invalid Bet", 100, 2, textfont, brightred)
fork playSound (invalid )
delay (1000)
end loop
bet := strreal (betString ) %convert bet to a real variable
exit when bet > 0 and bet <= playerMoney %check if bet is a valid number
Font.Draw ("Invalid Bet", 101, 3, textfont, yellow)
Font.Draw ("Invalid Bet", 100, 2, textfont, brightred)
fork playSound (invalid )
delay (1000)
end loop