Computer Science Canada

RPG Game Stats

Author:  JB [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  RPG Game Stats

When the game starts and you hit enter thew stats of your character are supposed to pop up but they don't here is my game. If anybody copuld get that to work that would be good.

Author:  Zren [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RPG Game Stats

This is because you have the players input and the menu in different loops. In the first loop, you don't ask if ENTER has been pressed. The reason why it won't go to the seond loop is because the previous loop has no exit parameters.

The easiest way to fix is to just make one big loop.

Look into View.Update and double buffering to prevent flickering.
The input for gender and race is case sensitive, so try converting the users input to lowercase and have the if statement condition in lowercase as well.
