elsif shape = "parallelogram" then
put "What part would you like to solve for"
put "base, height, or area"
get partpara
if partpara = "base" then
put "Please enter the height THEN area"
get height
get area
put "The equation we will be using is Base = Area / height"
put "B = A/h This is our base equation"
put "B = ", area / height, " This equation simply requires you to divide"
put "Therefore B = ", area / height
elsif partpara = "height" then
put "Please enter base THEN area"
get base
get area
put "The equation we will be using is Height = Area / base"
put "h = A/b This is our base equation"
put "h = ", area / base, " This equation simply requires you to divide"
put "Therefore the height is ", area / base
elsif partpara = "area" then
put "Please enter base THEN height"
get base
get height
put "The equation we will be using is Area = base * height"
put "A = b*h This is our base equation"
put "A = ", base * height, " This equation simply requires you to divide"
put "Therefore the area is ", base * height
put "That is not a valid part please re-enter the part and check your spelling and make sure all characters lower case"
get partpara
end if
end loop
put "Please type in shape if you want to solve for another shape or part if you want to solve for another part"
get choice
if choice = "shape" then
elsif choice = "part" then
put "That is an invalid answer please retype and make sure it is lower case and properly spelt"
end if
end loop