Computer Science Canada [tutorial] 3D matrix (rotation,translation,scaling, rotation around an arbitrary axis) |
Author: | Homer_simpson [ Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:12 pm ] |
Post subject: | [tutorial] 3D matrix (rotation,translation,scaling, rotation around an arbitrary axis) |
Matrix mathematics can be very useful, for now i've only shown you how to use them for rotation,scaling and translation, i'll update this with rotation around an arbitrary axis. I'll also show you how to multiply matrices. Quote: type dot : record x, y, z : real end record type cam : record axy, axz, ayz, cx, cy, cz, zoom : real end record var camera : cam := -1 := -1 := -10 camera.axy := 0 camera.axz := 0 camera.ayz := 0 camera.zoom := 1000 proc draw3dline (d1, d2 : dot) if d1.z + 2 not= 0 and d2.z + 2 not= 0 then var xx : array 1 .. 3 of int var yy : array 1 .. 3 of int xx (1) := round ((d1.x - / ((d1.z + 2 - / camera.zoom)) + 320 xx (2) := round ((d2.x - / ((d2.z + 2 - / camera.zoom)) + 320 yy (1) := round ((d1.y - / ((d1.z + 2 - / camera.zoom)) + 200 yy (2) := round ((d2.y - / ((d2.z + 2 - / camera.zoom)) + 200 Draw.FillOval (xx (1), yy (1), 2, 2, 9) Draw.Line (xx (1), yy (1), xx (2), yy (2), 12) Draw.Dot (xx (2), yy (2), white) end if end draw3dline proc draw3ddot (d1 : dot) if d1.z + 2 not= 0 then var xx : array 1 .. 3 of int var yy : array 1 .. 3 of int xx (1) := round ((d1.x - / ((d1.z + 2 - / camera.zoom)) + 320 yy (1) := round ((d1.y - / ((d1.z + 2 - / camera.zoom)) + 200 Draw.Dot (xx (1), yy (1), white) end if end draw3ddot colorback (black) cls color (white) View.Set ("offscreenonly") type matrix : array 1 .. 3, 1 .. 4 of real var rotationmatrix:matrix procedure translate(x,y,z:real,var m:matrix) m(1,1):=1 m(1,2):=0 m(1,3):=0 m(1,4):=x m(2,1):=0 m(2,2):=1 m(2,3):=0 m(2,4):=y m(3,1):=0 m(3,2):=0 m(3,3):=1 m(3,4):=z end translate procedure scale(x,y,z:real,var m:matrix) m(1,1):=x m(1,2):=0 m(1,3):=0 m(1,4):=0 m(2,1):=0 m(2,2):=y m(2,3):=0 m(2,4):=0 m(3,1):=0 m(3,2):=0 m(3,3):=z m(3,4):=0 end scale procedure rotateXY(a:real,var m:matrix) m(1,1):=cosd(a) m(1,2):=-sind(a) m(1,3):=0 m(1,4):=0 m(2,1):=sind(a) m(2,2):=cosd(a) m(2,3):=0 m(2,4):=0 m(3,1):=0 m(3,2):=0 m(3,3):=1 m(3,4):=0 end rotateXY procedure rotateYZ(a:real,var m:matrix) m(1,1):=1 m(1,2):=0 m(1,3):=0 m(1,4):=0 m(2,1):=0 m(2,2):=cosd(a) m(2,3):=-sind(a) m(2,4):=0 m(3,1):=0 m(3,2):=sind(a) m(3,3):=cosd(a) m(3,4):=0 end rotateYZ procedure rotateXZ(a:real,var m:matrix) m(1,1):=cosd(a) m(1,2):=0 m(1,3):=sind(a) m(1,4):=0 m(2,1):=0 m(2,2):=1 m(2,3):=0 m(2,4):=0 m(3,1):=-sind(a) m(3,2):=0 m(3,3):=cosd(a) m(3,4):=0 end rotateXZ procedure applymatrix(var x,y,z:real,m:matrix) var tx := (x * m(1,1)) + (y * m(1,2)) + (z * m(1,3)) + m(1,4) var ty := (x * m(2,1)) + (y * m(2,2)) + (z * m(2,3)) + m(2,4) var tz := (x * m(3,1)) + (y * m(3,2)) + (z * m(3,3)) + m(3,4) x:=tx y:=ty z:=tz end applymatrix var xy, yz, xz : real := 0 var p1, p2, vp : dot p1.x := 0 p1.y := 0 p1.z := 0 p2.x := 0 p2.y := 0 p2.z := -1 var chars : array char of boolean loop Input.KeyDown (chars) if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then rotateXZ(1,rotationmatrix) applymatrix(p2.x,p2.y,p2.z,rotationmatrix) end if if chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then rotateXZ(-1,rotationmatrix) applymatrix(p2.x,p2.y,p2.z,rotationmatrix) end if if chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) then rotateYZ(-1,rotationmatrix) applymatrix(p2.x,p2.y,p2.z,rotationmatrix) end if if chars (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then rotateYZ(1,rotationmatrix) applymatrix(p2.x,p2.y,p2.z,rotationmatrix) end if for i : 1 .. 360 vp.x := sind (i) vp.y := cosd (i) vp.z := 0 draw3ddot (vp) vp.x := sind (i) vp.z := cosd (i) vp.y := 0 draw3ddot (vp) vp.y := sind (i) vp.z := cosd (i) vp.x := 0 draw3ddot (vp) end for draw3dline (p1, p2) View.Update delay (5) cls end loop |
Author: | saltpro15 [ Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:32 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:[tutorial] 3D matrix (rotation,translation,scaling, rotation around an arbitrary axis) |
Have I mentioned I love you. I've learned more in your last 2 posts than I have in 3 months of Computer Science classes. I want to do an fps with raycasting, I'm not sure how to go about making the target appear on the screen and respond to mouse clicks, any ideas? no wait, if you do have an idea pm me, that topic isn't really covered by this thread. |
Author: | Tyr_God_Of_War [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:18 am ] | ||
Post subject: | Re: [tutorial] 3D matrix (rotation,translation,scaling, rotation around an arbitrary axis) | ||
Here, I added some camera movement to the numpad. You cam.axy(..ect.) does nothing at the moment. I also simplified the matrices, and removed some unused variables. I might have shuffled it around a bit to.