Something is wrong with my program. I wanted to used const for the price.( They are the variables that are capitalized, but the program seems to just skip that).
When you run my program... and you have finished everything until the checkout page, you will see that the buffalo won't tell the quantity of the price. I know that I am being a huge pain but HELP! THANKS SO MUCH DUDES... I appreciate it.. this is due tomorrow eh...
Turing: |
%---------------------% WELCOME PAGE AND VARIABLES%---------------------------%
%List of used Variables thourghout the program
var x, y, buttonnumber, buttonupdown : int
var fontPapyrus : int
var fontArial : int
var fontArial1 : int
var total : real := 0
var choice1 : string
var qofbs : int := 0
var qoflime : int := 0
var qofsweey : int := 0
var qofspicy : int := 0
var tofbs : real := 0
var tofsweey : real := 0
var toflime : real := 0
var tofspicy : real := 0
var cash : real:= 0
var BUFFALOP : real := 10. 99
var SWEETP : real := 11. 99
var LIMEP : real := 8. 99
var SPICYP : real := 8. 00
% Background colour for all screens
setscreen ("graphics")
colorback (yellow)
% Fonts used
fontPapyrus := Font.New ("Papyrus:30:italic")
fontArial := Font.New ("Arial:12:italic")
fontArial1 := Font.New ("Arial:12:bold")
% Introduction Page
Font.Draw ("Welcome to The Chicken Wing ", 32, 345, fontPapyrus, purple)
Font.Draw ("Factory", 216, 277, fontPapyrus, purple)
Font.Draw ("\"Once you come, you'll never go back!!\"", 272, 58, fontArial, purple)
Pic.ScreenLoad ("chicken.jpg", 0, 0, picCopy)
delay (2000)
%--------------------% INFORMARTION PAGES %--------------------------------%
forward procedure overview
% This procedure is used for the buffalo chicken information page, and purchase at that specific page.
procedure buffalo
Pic.ScreenLoad ("Chic.jpg", 21, 227, picCopy)
Font.Draw ("Buffalo Style", 255, 362, fontArial1, purple)
Font.Draw ("These are the best chicken wings you will ever find", 255, 338, fontArial, purple)
Font.Draw ("Juicy and rich with texture. You can't resist these wings", 255, 321, fontArial, purple)
Font.Draw ("All for the cheap and low price. You will not find these", 255, 304, fontArial, purple)
Font.Draw ("anywhere else.", 255, 287, fontArial, purple)
Font.Draw (" Price: $10.99", 255, 253, fontArial, purple)
locate (15, 6)
drawfillbox (44, 202, 110, 221, purple)
Font.Draw ("Buy", 44, 202, fontArial, yellow)
drawfillbox (143, 201, 199, 222, purple)
Font.Draw ("Back", 143, 201, fontArial, yellow)
buttonwait ("down", x, y, buttonnumber, buttonupdown )
if (x > 44 and x < 110 and y > 202 and y < 221) then
locate (17, 1)
put "Quantity Please"
locate (18, 1)
get qofbs
locate (19, 1)
tofbs := tofbs + qofbs * SPICYP
qofbs := 0 + qofbs
put "Your total is $", tofbs : 0 : 2
locate (20, 1)
put "Loading Menu..."
delay (2000)
elsif (x > 151 and x < 200 and y > 191 and y < 229) then
end if
exit when x > 44 and x < 110 and y > 202 and y < 221 or x > 151 and x < 200 and y > 191 and y < 229
end loop
end buffalo
% This procedure is used for the sweet and sour chicken information page, and purchase at that specific page
procedure sweet
Pic.ScreenLoad ("SweetnSourchicken.jpg", 21, 227, picCopy)
Font.Draw ("Sweet n' Sour Chicken", 255, 362, fontArial1, purple)
Font.Draw ("These chickens are the hit of the house. Sweet and sour", 245, 338, fontArial, purple)
Font.Draw ("at the same time to satisfy both you cravings of chicken.", 245, 321, fontArial, purple)
Font.Draw ("All for the cheap and low price. You will not find these", 245, 304, fontArial, purple)
Font.Draw ("anywhere else.", 245, 287, fontArial, purple)
Font.Draw (" Price: $11.99", 255, 253, fontArial, purple)
locate (15, 6)
drawfillbox (44, 202, 110, 221, purple)
Font.Draw ("Buy", 44, 202, fontArial, yellow)
drawfillbox (143, 201, 199, 222, purple)
Font.Draw ("Back", 143, 201, fontArial, yellow)
buttonwait ("down", x, y, buttonnumber, buttonupdown )
if (x > 44 and x < 110 and y > 202 and y < 221) then
locate (17, 1)
put "Quantity Please"
locate (18, 1)
get qofsweey
locate (19, 1)
tofsweey := tofsweey + qofsweey * SWEETP
qofsweey := 0 + qofsweey
put "Your total is $", tofsweey : 0 : 2
locate (20, 1)
put "Loading Menu..."
delay (2000)
elsif (x > 151 and x < 200 and y > 191 and y < 229) then
end if
exit when x > 44 and x < 110 and y > 202 and y < 221 or x > 151 and x < 200 and y > 191 and y < 229
end loop
end sweet
% This procedure is used for the spicy chicken information page, and purchase at that specific page.
procedure spicy
Pic.ScreenLoad ("SpicyChicken.jpg", 21, 227, picCopy)
Font.Draw ("Spicy Chicken", 255, 362, fontArial1, purple)
Font.Draw ("Grab a bottle of water because these chickens are hot!", 255, 338, fontArial, purple)
Font.Draw ("You'll be chugging down water with these delicious wings.", 255, 321, fontArial, purple)
Font.Draw ("All for the cheap and low price. You will not find these", 255, 304, fontArial, purple)
Font.Draw ("anywhere else.", 255, 287, fontArial, purple)
Font.Draw (" Price: $8.00", 255, 253, fontArial, purple)
drawfillbox (44, 202, 110, 221, purple)
Font.Draw ("Buy", 44, 202, fontArial, yellow)
drawfillbox (143, 201, 199, 222, purple)
Font.Draw ("Back", 143, 201, fontArial, yellow)
buttonwait ("down", x, y, buttonnumber, buttonupdown )
if (x > 44 and x < 110 and y > 202 and y < 221) then
locate (17, 1)
put "Quantity Please"
locate (18, 1)
get qofspicy
locate (19, 1)
tofspicy: = tofspicy + qofspicy * SPICYP
qofspicy := 0 + qofspicy
put "Your total is $", tofspicy : 0 : 2
locate (20, 1)
put "Loading Menu..."
delay (2000)
elsif (x > 151 and x < 200 and y > 191 and y < 229) then
end if
exit when x > 44 and x < 110 and y > 202 and y < 221 or x > 151 and x < 200 and y > 191 and y < 229
end loop
end spicy
% This procedure is used for the lime chicken information page, and purchase at that specific page.
procedure lime
Pic.ScreenLoad ("Lime Chicken.jpg", 15, 227, picCopy)
Font.Draw ("Lime Chicken", 275, 362, fontArial1, 1)
Font.Draw ("SOUR! Watch out, because these wings will have you ", 270, 338, fontArial, 1)
Font.Draw ("scwirming in your seat. Iressistibly delicious just ", 270, 321, fontArial, 1)
Font.Draw ("for you tastebuds. All for the cheap and low price. ", 270, 304, fontArial, 1)
Font.Draw ("You will not find these anywhere else. ", 270, 287, fontArial, 1)
Font.Draw ("Price: $8.99", 275, 260, fontArial, 1)
locate (15, 6)
drawfillbox (44, 202, 110, 221, purple)
Font.Draw ("Buy", 44, 202, fontArial, yellow)
drawfillbox (143, 201, 199, 222, purple)
Font.Draw ("Back", 143, 201, fontArial, yellow)
buttonwait ("down", x, y, buttonnumber, buttonupdown )
if (x > 44 and x < 110 and y > 202 and y < 221) then
locate (17, 1)
put "Quantity Please"
locate (18, 1)
get qoflime
locate (19, 1)
toflime := toflime + qoflime * LIMEP
qoflime := 0 + qoflime
put "Your total is $", toflime : 0 : 2
locate (20, 1)
put "Loading Menu..."
delay (2000)
elsif (x > 151 and x < 200 and y > 191 and y < 229) then
end if
exit when x > 44 and x < 110 and y > 202 and y < 221 or x > 151 and x < 200 and y > 191 and y < 229
end loop
end lime
% This procedure is used for the goodbye page.
procedure goodbye
Font.Draw ("Thank you for visiting. ", 130, 345, fontPapyrus, purple)
Pic.ScreenLoad ("byebye.jpg", 130, 48, picCopy)
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, 10, purple)
drawfillbox (maxx, 0, maxx - 10, maxy, purple)
drawfillbox (maxx, maxy, 0, maxy - 10, purple)
drawfillbox (0, maxy, 10, 0, purple)
end goodbye
% This procedure is the check out page, the final purchasing at this page.
procedure reciept
Font.Draw ("ChickenWing Reciept", 90, 360, fontPapyrus, purple)
locate (5, 7)
put "Item Quantity Price"
locate (6, 7)
put "Spicy......................", tofspicy div SPICYP, ".......................$", tofspicy : 0 : 2
locate (7, 7)
put "Buffalo....................", tofbs div BUFFALOP, ".......................$", tofbs : 0 : 2
locate (8, 7)
put "Sweet n' Sour..............", tofsweey div SWEETP, ".......................$", tofsweey : 0 : 2
locate (9, 7)
put "Lime.......................", toflime div LIMEP, ".......................$", toflime : 0 : 2
locate (11, 7)
total := tofbs + tofsweey + tofspicy + toflime
put "Sub-Total..........................................$", total : 0 : 2
locate (10, 7)
put "--------------------------------------------------------"
locate (12, 7)
put "Total..............................................$", total * 1. 13 : 0 : 2
locate (15, 7)
put "Would you like to pay in Cash or use a Card?"
locate (16, 7)
get choice1
if (choice1 = "Cash" or choice1 = "cash") then
locate (17, 7)
put "Please Enter your cash amount"
locate (18, 7)
get cash
locate (19, 7)
total := tofbs + tofsweey + tofspicy + toflime
if (cash > total ) then
put "Your change is $", cash - total
drawfillbox (564, 3, 630, 21, purple)
Font.Draw ("Continue", 564, 3, fontArial, yellow)
elsif (cash < total ) then
drawfillbox (564, 3, 630, 21, purple)
Font.Draw ("Continue", 564, 3, fontArial, yellow)
put "You owe me $", total - cash, " try again or get out of my store"
get cash
exit when (cash >= total )
end loop
end if
buttonwait ("down", x, y, buttonnumber, buttonupdown )
if (x > 564 and x < 630 and y > 3 and y < 21) then
end if
exit when x > 564 and x < 630 and y > 3 and y < 21
end loop
elsif (choice1 = "Card" or choice1 = "card") then
drawfillbox (564, 3, 630, 21, purple)
Font.Draw ("Continue", 564, 3, fontArial, yellow)
buttonwait ("down", x, y, buttonnumber, buttonupdown )
if (x > 564 and x < 630 and y > 3 and y < 21) then
end if
exit when x > 564 and x < 630 and y > 3 and y < 21
end loop
end if
end reciept
% This procedure is the overview page. This procudure allows you to choose your item, and select the item you want.
% This then directs you to the other procedures.
body procedure overview
drawbox (15, 181, 214, 349, 1)
drawbox (361, 182, 611, 348, 1)
drawbox (22, 22, 221, 167, 1)
drawbox (358, 23, 556, 173, 1)
drawfillbox (564, 3, 630, 21, purple)
Pic.ScreenLoad ("Chic.jpg", 15, 182, picCopy)
Pic.ScreenLoad ("Lime Chicken.jpg", 361, 182, picCopy)
Pic.ScreenLoad ("SweetnSourchicken.jpg", 22, 22, picCopy)
Pic.ScreenLoad ("SpicyChicken.jpg", 358, 22, picCopy)
fontPapyrus := Font.New ("Papyrus:30:italic")
Font.Draw ("Click On An Image To See More", 20, 360, fontPapyrus, purple)
Font.Draw ("Checkout", 564, 3, fontArial, yellow)
buttonwait ("down", x, y, buttonnumber, buttonupdown )
if (x > 15 and x < 214 and y > 181 and y < 349) then
elsif (x > 361 and x < 611 and y > 182 and y < 348) then
elsif (x > 22 and x < 221 and y > 22 and y < 167) then
elsif (x > 358 and x < 556 and y > 1 and y < 173) then
elsif (x > 564 and x < 630 and y > 3 and y < 21) then
end if
exit when x > 15 and x < 214 and y > 181 and y < 349 or x < 361 and x > 611 and y > 182 and y < 348 or x > 22 and x < 221 and y > 22 and y < 167 or x > 358 and x < 556 and y > 1 and y < 173
or x > 564 and x < 630 and y > 3 and y < 21
end loop
end overview