mport GUI
setscreen ("noecho")
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
var mainWinID := Window.Open ("graphics:700;500")
var font1 : int
font1 := Font.New ("Arial:12:bold")
var boxX : array 1 .. 5 of int
var boxY : array 1 .. 5 of int
var boxesWidth : array 1 .. 5 of int
var gameStart : boolean := false
var menuButton : int := 0
var playButton : int := 0
var frameX : array 1 .. 5 of int
var frameY : array 1 .. 5 of int
var frameWidth : array 1 .. 5 of int
var displayButton : int := 0
procedure title
Font.Draw ("Sort the Blocks!", 200, 470, font1, red)
end title
procedure userInput
GUI.Hide (playButton)
var mouseX, mouseY, button : int
mousewhere (mouseX, mouseY, button)
for i : 1 .. 5
drawfillbox (boxX (i), boxY (i), boxX (i) + boxesWidth (i), boxY (i) + boxesWidth (i), white)
end for
for i : 1 .. 5
if mouseX > boxX (i) and mouseX < boxX (i) + boxesWidth (i) and mouseY > boxY (i) and mouseY < boxY (i) + boxesWidth (i) then
%if mouseX + boxesWidth (i) div 2 > 100 and mouseX + boxesWidth (i) div 2 < 540 and mouseY + boxesWidth (i) div 2 > 170 and mouseY + boxesWidth (i) div 2 < 40 then
if button = 1 then
boxX (i) := mouseX - boxesWidth (i) div 2
boxY (i) := mouseY - boxesWidth (i) div 2
end if
end if
end for
for i : 1 .. 5
drawfillbox (boxX (i), boxY (i), boxX (i) + boxesWidth (i), boxY (i) + boxesWidth (i), blue)
end for
for i : 1 .. 5
frameX (i) := i * 100
frameY (i) := 50
frameWidth (i) := 100
var randFrame := GUI.CreateFrame (frameX (i), frameY (i), frameX (i) + frameWidth (i), frameY (i) + frameWidth (i), GUI.EXDENT)
var randFrame2 := GUI.CreateFrame (frameX (i) - 10, frameY (i) + 160, frameX (i) + frameWidth (i), frameY (i) + 160 + frameWidth (i), GUI.EXDENT)
GUI.Show (displayButton)
end for
% drawfillbox (101, 101, 539, 349, white)
% cls
View.Set ("offscreenonly")
end userInput
proc startGame
gameStart := true
for i : 1 .. 5
boxX (i) := i * 100
boxY (i) := 210
boxesWidth (i) := Rand.Int (15, 100)
end for
end startGame
procedure mainMenu
locate (6, 30)
put "This is the main menu select an option!"
GUI.Show (playButton)
GUI.Hide (menuButton)
end mainMenu
procedure goodBye
locate (1, 30)
put "Made By: Zakaria"
end goodBye
procedure introduction
locate (3, 20)
put "See if you can sort the blocks from smallest to largest!"
GUI.Hide (playButton)
GUI.Hide (displayButton)
end introduction
procedure display
put "iutyryrth"
end display
menuButton := GUI.CreateButton (10, 10, 10, "Main Menu", mainMenu)
playButton := GUI.CreateButton (100, 10, 10, "Play!", startGame)
displayButton := GUI.CreateButton (400, 400, 20, "Done!", display)
if gameStart then
end if
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent ()
end loop