Computer Science Canada

Need help with strings!

Author:  limpex [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Need help with strings!

Hey there guys. I need a help with this hangman program. This is what I need to do, you type in a secret word and print an "*" for the letters in word. Then you ask the user for a letter. If the letter is correct, it should replace in the "*"s. If the letter in incorrect, it shows 'invalid. Finally, I need to tell the guesses it took to guess the word.

How do I replace the letter in the "*"? I am very new at strings and don't know much. Can any one fix my program? Thank You.


var word : string
var option : int
var letter : string
var d3lay : string (1)

put "1) New Word"
put "2) Quit Game"
put " "
put "Player 1 - Choose an option: " ..
get option

if option = 1 then
    put "Player 1 - Choose a word: " ..
    get word

    var newword : array 1 .. length (word) of string
    for i : 1 .. length (word)
        put "-" ..
    end for
    put " "

        put "Player 2 - The word has ", length (word), " letter(s). Choose a letter: " ..
        get letter
        if index (word, letter) = 0 then
            put letter, " is not in the word."
            put "You found a letter!"
        end if
        put " "
        put "Hit any key to continue --->" ..
        getch (d3lay)
    end loop

elsif option = 2 then
    put "Thanks for playing!"
end if

Mod Edit: Remember to use syntax tags! Thanks Smile
[syntax="Turing"]Code Here[/syntax]

Author:  TheGuardian001 [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help with strings!

I'm assuming that what you want for the Asterisks is to make it so that the letters being typed can't be seen by other people, like in a password field.

the first thing you will need to do this is:



this will set the output window to not print a character when a key is pressed (remember, you want to put this AFTER they enter option 1 or 2, otherwise they won't see what they have entered.
you can cancel out the noecho statement with:


now that the program no longer outputs what the user enters, all you need to do is print out the "*" every time they press a button while entering the word (although if you do use this method, you will need to get the word one character at a time, instead of as a string)

for guesses it took to take the word, simply use an integer variable. Start it at 0, and every time they guess a letter, increase it by one until they get the whole word
