Computer Science Canada

Adding/ subtracting/multiplying/dividing variables in Turing.

Author:  Vorpal [ Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Adding/ subtracting/multiplying/dividing variables in Turing.

I'm taking a grade 10 computer sciences course and we have just begun the programming component of the course. We have begun by using Turing and I've been given an assignment to create a conversation program using Turing. Long story short, I have to multiply two variables and add that product to another variable. Could somebody please explain to me if this is possible/ how to do it in the simplest terms since I've only been exposed to any form of programming for two days?
Thanks in advance.
P.S- My deepest apologies if I could have found this answer without posting here, I tried the F.A.Q and search button but came up empty.

Author:  Tony [ Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Adding/ subtracting/multiplying/dividing variables in Turing.

The first place to consult for tutorials is the Turing Walkthrough. You could search or browse the Tutorials section of the forum for more specific material.

As for your question -- perhaps an example is in order

var first_number : int
var second_number : int
var product_of_numbers : int

first_number := 5
second_number := 3

product_of_numbers := first_number * second_number

put "the product is: ", product_of_numbers

Author:  Vorpal [ Mon Dec 01, 2008 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Adding/ subtracting/multiplying/dividing variables in Turing.

I actually figured this out on my own about twenty minutes ago, the problem was that I was attempting to us x as a symbol for multiplication and the expression looked like -",x, "x",y, "+",z, "is" ,xxy+z,"."
Which didn't make any sense because instead of the x and y being multiplied it was just 2 duplicate variables next to each otherand then y. After I used * instead of the extra x it all worked out fine. Thanks alot for the example and the link though, I'll be sure to check it out.
