Computer Science Canada

Skipping last word

Author:  cat8864 [ Tue Nov 25, 2008 2:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Skipping last word

The goal os to create a program that finds the largest word in the sentence and displays it. I've managed that but it always skips the last word in the sentence even if it's the longest. Any ideas?


var sentence := ""
var spot := 0
var longest := ""
var removed := ""
var x := 0
var tally := 0
put "Please enter a sentence of two or more words"
get sentence : *
put " "
var sentence1 := sentence

    exit when sentence1 = ""

    % Selects 1st word in current line
        put spot
        spot := spot + 1
        if length (sentence1) = spot then
            % removed := sentence1
            x := x + 1
        elsif sentence1 (spot) = " " then %selects characters up to first space
            removed := sentence1 (1 .. spot)
            x := x + 1
        end if
        exit when x = 1
    end loop

    % Removes 1st word
    % Stores word for future comparison
    sentence1 := sentence1 (spot + 1 .. *) %creates new sentence without 1st word
    if length (removed) > length (longest) then
        longest := removed
    elsif length (removed) = length (longest) then
        tally := tally + 1
    end if

    % Removes the spaces before the next word
        x := 0
        if sentence1 = "" then
            x := x + 1
        elsif sentence1 (1) = " " then
            sentence1 := sentence1 (2 .. *)
        end if
        exit when x = 1
        exit when sentence1 (1) not= " "
    end loop

    % Reset values
    spot := 0
    x := 0
    put removed
    put sentence1
    put " "
end loop

put "The removed word is ", longest
put "You have ", tally - 1, " words the same length"
put " "
put "The remaining sentence is ", sentence1

Author:  MihaiG [ Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Skipping last word

hey cat8864


var st : string
get st : *
st := st + " "
var pos : int := 1
var temp1, temp2 : string := ""
for i : 1 .. length (st)
    pos := index (st, " ")
    exit when pos = 0
    temp2 := st (1 .. (pos - 1))
    if length (temp2) = length (temp1) then
        if temp2 > temp1 then
            temp1 := st (1 .. (pos - 1))
        end if
        if length (temp2) > length (temp1) then
            temp1 := st (1 .. (pos - 1))
        end if
    end if
    st := st (pos + 1 .. *)
end for
put "-----------------------"
put "The removed word is ", temp1

i just wrote that up, what i did is i would check for spaces using the index function and then get store the word from the beginning to that point in a temporary varaible, i would then delete the first part of the sentance and repeat the process, if i got two words that had the same length i compared them arithmetically (so which was is further in the dictionary type of thing), hopefully this should help somehow, i also added a space at the end of the program so when i tried to index that last word it would find the end, rember if the index cannot find the required phrase in the string it will return a value of 0, so i am assuming that will never happen till it hits the end, so if that does happen that means im done parsing the string

i wont comment the code, so you can take a look at it and try to understand how it works, if you have any questions feel free to post them, note, i did not do the tallying, you already had that implmented in your code

Author:  cat8864 [ Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Skipping last word

Lets see if I've got this right:
1. the (pos - 1) finds the position of then end of the first word.
2. temp2 is the first word of the string up to but not including the space
3. temp1 is an empty string which becomes temp2 (stores the word if larger than the previous)
4. the sentence becomes the sentence - temp2
5. repeat until the position of the " " = 0 or the only thing left in the string is " "

what I don't get is the first part of the if statement part:
if length (temp2) = length (temp1) then
if temp2 > temp1 then
temp1 := sentence (1 .. (pos - 1))
end if

And I still don't know what I did wrong in my code though

Author:  MihaiG [ Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Skipping last word

1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. not really that way, but i concactenate the first part of the string inluding the space,
5. yes

what that snippet of code did is
if you have two words such as seven and hello, you can see they are the same length, but seven is "larger" cause the letters it uses are further up in the alphabet,

just try re-writing your code, that usually can helps cause you might take a different approach

Author:  cat8864 [ Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Skipping last word

Thanks for the help!
